Myofascial Release | Self Massage Practices

Myofascial Release | Self Massage Practices

Myofascial release or rolling out to get deeper into the tissue and hard to reach areas for deep tension release, recovery, and prevention of pain.

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Myofascial Release | Self Massage Practices
  • Upper Body Stretch & Weight Training Practice

    Many of us have less upper body strength and as we age, we lose this muscle tone faster. To keep our bones and muscles strong and our bodies toned, we need to use light weights with higher repetitions of exercises.

    This is my own personal 3x a week upper body weight training practice. You can ...

  • 15 Min Neck Stretch & Release

    A great practice to use every day for just 15 minutes to relieve tension headaches, release tension, and mobilize your neck. We use a little stretching, some myofascial release, and massage to help you feel better fast!

    Props: 1 block and 2 myofascial release balls or tennis balls in the bag o...

  • Myofascial Release @ the Wall | Upper & Lower Back Care

    Grab your tennis balls or myofascial release balls and find a small space on the wall where you can move up and down and join me! It only takes a few minutes to release tension, relieve pain, prevent pain, and feel MUCH better. This could also be a great little leg workout : )

    Props: 2 tennis...

  • Myofascial Release for Psoas & Belly

    There are SO many organs in the space of our lower belly and abdomen - within the space of the pelvis AND so many muscles here as well. Today we are using the "belly roll" method to release this space, facilitate digestion, and give our psoas muscles a little massage.

    Props: 1 blanket or towel...

  • Myofascial Release for Feet and Ankles

    Our feet take us everywhere we need to go and connect us to earth - so when they get tired, sore, and feel achy - your feet deserve a little love and care! Join me for a focused self foot and ankle massage to release tension in your feet and ankles and feel lighter on your feet (and more mobile!...

  • Myofascial Release for Hands & Wrists | Hand Care

    We all use our hands all day long - from typing into devices to cooking, cutting, gardening, knitting, artwork and more - our hands need some sweet love and care. To help unwind tension, promote healthy hands, and prevent pain, join me for this focused practice to help you feel better fast and k...

  • Myofascial Release for Neck | Self Massage for Neck Knots

    Join me for this focused self massage practice to help unwind tension in the neck - relieving and preventing headaches, tightness, and jaw/TMJ tension. Add this to your regular weekly care to keep your neck fully mobile and pain free!

    Props: Block (or pick one up here: ...

  • Myofascial Release for Glutes & Piriformis

    The glutes are major muscles that move us throughout our day and are active from the moment we get up to the time we settle in for sleep. This area of the hips is dense with tissue - using therapy balls can get deeper into the tissue and around the muscles to loosen tension, tightness, and help ...

  • Myofascial Release for Glutes & Hips

    Today we use 2 Tune Up Balls or 2 tennis balls to help release tension in the glutes that can cause back and hip pain and discomfort. Rolling out regularly, 1-2x per week (total body 20 mins or 2-10 mins focused areas) can prevent soreness, release tension, and reduce overall body pain (and it f...

  • Myofascial Release for Neck & Shoulders

    Today we are using acupressure massage to roll out tension and relieve pain in the neck and shoulders using 2 Tune Up Balls or tennis balls. Rolling out this area can prevent and relieve pain, reduce tension headaches and bring more mobility to the neck and shoulder area.

    Props: 2 Yoga Tune Up...

  • Myofascial Release for IT Bands & Outer Hips

    Today we are focusing on rolling out the IT Bands! This super tight area on the outside of the hip running down towards the outer leg and knee can cause some serious pain but with regular rolling out, you can avoid the tightness and discomfort in your legs and hips. Try this short IT Band rollo...

  • Myofascial Release for Quads, Hip Flexors, & Psoas

    In today's self massage practice we will work on the quads (front of the thigh), the hip flexors (that area between hips and leg as well as front of hip) and the iliopsoas (the deeper inner layer of muscle attaching the upper/lower body together). These areas are often very tight and rolling the...

  • Myofascial Release for Calves & Hamstrings

    If you lower back is feeling cranky or tight, it might be related to your hamstrings and calves. Try this short routine to release the tension in these areas and relieve leg pain and lower back tension.

    Props: 2 acupressure or tennis balls (or get them here:

  • Myofascial Release for Back Pain Relief & Prevention

    In this 10 minute self massage practice we are focusing on massaging the entire spine, releasing tension in the back and relieving pain. Rolling out is a big part of my personal practice weekly and can take just a few minutes each day or 1-2x a week (total body - 20 mins) for overall relief, mus...

  • Myofascial Release for Hamstrings & Lower Back

    If you hamstrings are super tight then this self massage practice is for you! Perfect for post workout rolling out or preworkout opening OR just to get some mobility in your lower back and hamstrings. Join me!

    Props: 2 tennis balls or acupressure balls (Tune up balls:

  • Myofascial Release for Lower Leg & Foot Pain Relief

    If your job or lifestyle requires you to stand a lot - you know how painful the lower legs can get. This self massage practice is all about giving your lower legs some tender loving care to release tension and relieve pain and discomfort. Oh, and PJ the kitty will help us with some purring and ...

  • Myofascial Release for Legs | Calves, Hamstrings, Quads, Shins

    Many people have really tight and tense legs whether it be hamstrings, thighs (quads), calves and/or shins. This tension can cause back pain, soreness, and even upper body pain and tension as our legs serve as shock absorbers and distributors of weight and compression.

    Today we are working wi...

  • Myofascial Release for Hands, Wrists & Forearms

    Just 8 mins for hand, wrist and forearm discomfort relief! This practice is for all of you out there with wrist, hand and forearm discomfort from typing, cooking, gardening, sports, arthritis. We focus on releasing the hands, wrists, and rolling out the forearms to get deep into the connective ...

  • Myofascial Release for Full Body Release

    Looking for a full body roll out using tennis balls/acupressure balls for deep tissue massage? This practice covers the ENTIRE back body helping to release the muscles, mobilize the connective tissue and relieve pain. Just 30 minutes!

    Props: 2 tennis balls OR Tune Up Balls (or get them here...

  • Myofascial Release for Chest & Shoulders

    In today's self massage practice we are focusing on the area right inside your front shoulder proper and into your chest - opening and releasing tension and tightness that can constrict our breath and our shoulder/chest movement. Myofascial release in this area can help deepen your breathing and...

  • Myofascial Release for SI Sacroiliac Joint & Piriformis

    Today we are working with relieving pain and tension around the SI (sacroiliac joint) and the piriformis. Using myofascial release, we can soften the tissue around the area of pain and tightness, helping reduce gripping and formation of connective tissue tightening around the space.

    While M...

  • Myofascial Release for Mid Back Release

    Per request, this is a mid back and shoulder release for those sore, tight and tense areas of the shoulder blades (space around and between). Let's unwind the tension and free up this space!

    Props: 1 blanket or rolled up beach towel and 2 tennis balls/acupressure balls in a sock or bag to keep...