Yoga 45-60 Minutes

Yoga 45-60 Minutes

Perfect for when you have a little more time to spare and want to go deeper into your practice. Restorative, Yin, Mindful Flow.

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Yoga 45-60 Minutes
  • Engaging with Your Inner Dialogue New Moon Yin Yoga

    🌞 Celebrate the Summer Solstice on June 20 🌞 Join us in Sacred Circle for community, meditation, sound healing, journaling, and connection. Register here 👉

    During the day, many of us have a running dialogue in our heads that w...

  • Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga

    Our vagus nerve system, along with many other things, helps regulate our ability to downshift from flight, fight or freeze to rest, digest and heal. Keeping our vagus nerve system healthy, responsive, active, and resilient helps us recover faster and keeps us healthier. Restorative Yoga is the ...

  • Yin Yoga for Grieving | Processing Grief As It Unfurls | Making Space

    The grief process is extensive, touching our past, present, and future and can include every emotion possible. Grief is unique to each one of us in each instance where we feel grief - sometimes bringing back memories from seemingly unrelated experiences. In this practice we honor all of the pro...

  • REIGNITE | Passion & Presence New Moon Yoga Nidra

    Welcome to a New Moon! Yoga Nidra is about reconnecting to your inner guide, your true self and in this practice we will be exploring softening, releasing, and opening ourselves up to passion and presence.

    Gather your blankets, bolsters, and pillows - be warm and comfortable and join me on a jo...

  • Yin Yoga to Release Expectations

    So much of our lives is spent being disappointed and frustrated by expectations. What if we released those, practiced letting them go and focused on being in the moment, mindful, aware, open, and curious? In this practice we focus on bringing our awareness to our expectations in our practice an...

  • Yoga for Graceful Transitions

    Throughout our lives we will face uncertainty, transitions, changes, and challenges. How can we face them with more grace? Our practice is a place of learning - not just physically but mentally, emotionally, and energetically. We learn the beautiful skills we need to move through our lives wit...

  • Yin Yoga for Vulnerability

    Being vulnerable is hard. From fears of rejection or being mistreated to not being seen as strong enough - vulnerability has spent years getting a bad reputation.

    Being vulnerable isn't a weakness. In fact, it's courageous, strong, beautiful, and passionate. How can we open ourselves up to ...

  • Yin Yoga for Resilience

    What is resilience? Resilience is the mind and body's ability to bounce back, recover, come back to center from a challenge, change, or difficulty. And resilience is something we can strengthen. How? Every time we practice, we can build resilience through awareness, breath, nonjudgment, and c...

  • Connecting to Our Ancestors | New Moon Yoga

    How can we honor our ancestry better? By being good ancestors, by acknowledging the lessons, skills, gifts, talents, abilities that we have been gifted and by knowing that we are born from love. We explore this and more in our breath and body.

    Props: 1 blanket or towel or anything you need to...

  • Yin Yoga | Living in Abundance

    Many of us struggle with the concept of abundance. Perhaps it stems from our lineage or our own life or ideas, but regardless of where our ideas about abundance or scarcity come from, we can live a life of abundance right now in this moment.

    Yin is a beautiful practice to explore abundance, san...

  • Yin Yoga | Honoring the Great Mystery

    Many cultures around the world have names or phrases for the Great Spirit, the Great Mystery, the Divine, Spirit, Life Force, Creator of all things, the Sacred that resides in all living things. Whatever the names or description/translation, many of us are looking to create deeper spiritual mean...

  • New Moon Restorative Yoga | The Wisdom to Know the Difference

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the thins I can; and, the wisdom to know the difference.

    Many of us have read or heard of the Serenity Prayer, but how do you apply it in your everyday living? We tap into our intuition, listen carefully to our ...

  • Dreaming In Color | New Moon Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath

    "We dream in color...but we live in black and white..." (Jefferson Starship)

    These words were in a song by Jefferson Starship and it was one of my favorite songs ever - still gives me goosebumps when I hear it. Why? Because each of us dreams beautiful, vivid, technicolor dreams but we are too...

  • A Warm Hug Restorative Yoga

    Ever need a warm hug? Me too. While I can only send you a warm hug virtually, I can offer you (along with Lucy of course), a lovely Restorative Yoga practice that is simple, loving, supportive, and might leave you feeling HUGGED.

    Props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster or 2 pillows, 2 blankets and/or 2 th...

  • Yin Yoga for Long COVID | Deep Breath

    Many people are suffering from complications associated with COVID - often referred to as long COVID and many people have reached out to me with requests for practices to support them. First, thank you for reaching out and second, this is the first in a series to support you!

    One of the most ch...

  • A Heart Wide Open | New Moon Yin Yoga Benefit

    Today's New Moon practice is a very special dog rescue benefit for the global initiative Yoga Stops Yulin to help bring more awareness to the plight of dogs and cats in southeast Asia and to support those on the ground helping rescue these animals and fight for change. For more information on ho...

  • Balancing Your Energy | New Moon Yoga

    Summer is here and our energy is peaking - not only upwards but outwards. We may feel pulled to "do" everything at once, start a bunch of new things, share our energy everywhere but is this sustainable? There is time - time to enjoy, savor, explore, experience the summer with mindfulness and at...

  • Artist's Way | New Moon Yoga Nidra

    Stillness, breath, presence - these are the keys to opening up your artist's mind. The artist is fully in the moment and that is where inspiration comes from. Join me for this gentle movement practice followed by a full length yoga nidra to soften, and BE.

  • {Y}integration Yin Yoga | Ishvara Pranidhana | Surrender

    What does it mean to surrender and why is it so hard? Surrender is one of the hardest things to do - to release control and agency to something greater than oneself. This is what the Yamas & Niyamas have been leading us up to - preparing for this very challenging idea.

    Join me as we explore su...

  • Savor the Moment | New Moon Restorative Yoga

    Honor the energy of this New Moon with a sweet Restorative Yoga practice to help you release fully, relax deeply, and connect mindfully to your senses.

    Affirmation: The sweetness of life flows to me and through me, and I radiate its joy.

    Reading: Honoring Sensuality by Pixie Lighthorse from P...

  • Yoga for Energetic Grounding | Full Body

    Ever feel as if you have picked up too much of others energy or situations in your life have you feeling overwhelmed with nervous energy? Sometimes emotional energy can get stuck in our bodies and the best way to discharge it is to move, shift the energy and ground it. In this practice we are w...

  • A Beginners Mind | New Moon Spring Prep Yoga

    Welcome to the New Moon in Aries - energy rising for Spring and the fiery energy of Aries! Today we are working with building a bit of heat to burn off what is no longer needed, and focusing on balancing and supporting the liver/gallbladder meridian organ systems as we move into Spring. What se...

  • Wood Element Restorative Yoga

    Springtime is the energy of wood and the liver/gallbladder meridians. It's a time of detoxification, clearing out the denseness and heaviness of winter. In this practice we use the support of props to help us settle in and allow the poses to do all of the work for us as we support our natural d...

  • {Y}integration Yin Yoga | Tapas | Discipline

    Tapas is probably one of the most misunderstood of the Yamas & Niyamas. It can be translated as fire, heat, discipline and is most often interpreted as more active practice (in yoga at least). But how can we apply the energy of tapas to our lives to inspire, to change, to transition, to break t...