Yoga Nidra | Yogic Sleep

Yoga Nidra | Yogic Sleep

Yoga nidra is a state of awareness - a practice sometimes referred to as yogic sleep. Traditionally done lying down, fully supported, Yoga Nidra is a beautiful practice to help you connect to your inner self, develop a deeper connection to your mind and body, relax fully, explore layers of consciousness, and heal. Yoga Nidra can include sensory awareness, breath awareness, body scans, visualization, setting of Sankalpa or intention, and more. Allow yourself to relax deeply...

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Yoga Nidra | Yogic Sleep
  • Returning to Your Source | New Moon Yoga Nidra

    We are everything we need within ourselves. But sometimes we forget. In the challenges of everyday living, we can forget how incredibly resourceful we are, how we have all of these beautiful resources/skills/talents/tools in our toolboxes/rituals/traditions that can support us everyday in every...

  • 10 Minute Sound Bath | Crystal Singing Bowls

    Settle in, soften and enjoy this 10 minute sound bath using crystal singing bowls.

  • REIGNITE | Passion & Presence New Moon Yoga Nidra

    Welcome to a New Moon! Yoga Nidra is about reconnecting to your inner guide, your true self and in this practice we will be exploring softening, releasing, and opening ourselves up to passion and presence.

    Gather your blankets, bolsters, and pillows - be warm and comfortable and join me on a jo...

  • You Are Worthy | Yoga Nidra for Self Love

    You are divine, beautiful, perfect, and worthy of all that the universe has to offer. Join me for yoga nidra to reconnect to your inner sense of worth and give yourself some self love.

  • Dreaming In Color | New Moon Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath

    "We dream in color...but we live in black and white..." (Jefferson Starship)

    These words were in a song by Jefferson Starship and it was one of my favorite songs ever - still gives me goosebumps when I hear it. Why? Because each of us dreams beautiful, vivid, technicolor dreams but we are too...

  • Yoga Nidra to Return to Your True Essence

    Sometimes we forget who we are - life swirls all around us with distracting and contradictory ideals. But, at the heart of us is a place of truth and we can reconnect, recenter, and spend time here. Join me for this Yoga Nidra practice to help you return to your true essence - LOVE.

  • Artist's Way | New Moon Yoga Nidra

    Stillness, breath, presence - these are the keys to opening up your artist's mind. The artist is fully in the moment and that is where inspiration comes from. Join me for this gentle movement practice followed by a full length yoga nidra to soften, and BE.

  • Art of Wintering Yoga Nidra Mini Workshop

    Wintering can happen anytime you need to slow down, reflect, nurture yourself - and that is what this workshop is all about. We begin with breath, vagus nerve activation, soft movement, then yoga nidra and finally journaling.

    Sankalpa: I am at ease and open to insight

    Props: anything you wan...

  • New Moon Live Yoga Nidra | Reclaiming You

    Welcome to the New Moon and to a guided practice to help you reclaim whatever it is in your life you feel you may have lost or forgotten. Many of us have been feeling this loss of something integral to our happiness and life and this is a time to reclaim our own power to create the life we love....

  • New Moon Live Yoga Nidra | Awaken

    Sense the energy of awakening all around you and within you as the seasons change. We begin with some gentle movements to unwind tension and soften, practice balancing pranayama, and then build our rest nest to deeply relax into for Yoga Nidra.

    Props: anything that is comforting, supportive, ...

  • Yoga Nidra | One World

    We are one world. Join me for Yoga Nidra to settle fully into our bodies and the present moment, and practice loving kindness. A beautiful experience melding Yoga Nidra bliss AND loving kindness meditation.

    What does it mean to be connected? Part of this world? A part of the divine community...

  • Yoga Nidra for Pranic Energy Healing

    Explore sensations and awareness in the physical and energetic bodies and help clear any blocked or stagnant energy areas in this guided Yoga Nidra practice. A wonderful way to connect with yourself on a deeper level and heal using the pranic energy.

    Props: anything that will help you settle, ...

  • Yoga Nidra Freedom

    Yoga nidra is a powerful way to set an intention and energize it with your breath. In this practice, we use breath, body awareness, set our Sankalpa/intention, and deepen our inner awareness of our true, divine self.

    Make yourself as comfortable as you can with props, blankets, pillows, and set...

  • Yoga Nidra for Deep Restful Sleep

    Join me for this guided meditation including sensory and breath awareness, and an extended body scan to help you settle in for deep sleep. Set yourself up with blankets, pillows and turn off the lights to calm mind and body. Sleep well...

  • Yoga Nidra Body Scan Active Release

    In this yoga nidra we take a little different approach with an active release body scan. We bring awareness to the body mentally and physically to fully relax, release and soften - bringing an overall sense of peace and softness to our minds and bodies.

  • Yoga Nidra for Compassion | Heart Chakra

    Sometimes our hearts can become depleted and we feel we cannot even have compassion for ourselves. This practice is all about reconnecting to the inner heart, the place of compassion and peace inside each of us and letting it refill our souls. Join PJ and I for a healing Yoga Nidra experience.

  • 75 Breath Yoga Nidra | Chakra Balancing

    Sensing your chakras and whether they feel out of alignment, blocked or are moving the energy freely through your body can be challenging in our fast paced world. Take a few minutes to connect to your body and the energy running through following the breath on it's trip from feet to crown and ev...

  • Meditation for When You Feel Depleted & Exhausted

    Get ready to settle in, with all the support you can find, for this super sweet relaxing, restoring, and healing meditation. We clear the negative energy of the day, gather our energy to us to refill our cup, focus on the breath, and complete a full body scan while fully supported with props. I...

  • Yoga Nidra | A Place to Rest

    Today we are working with a full yoga nidra practice to help us find a soft, quiet, safe place to rest. Join me for this breath awareness, full body scan, Sankalpa setting, visualization meditation and see how sweet yoga nidra can be.

  • Yoga Nidra for Balance & Acceptance

    If you have been feeling depleted, out of balance or overwhelmed and need some deep rest - join me for this guided body scan meditation and feel deeply restored.

    Yoga nidra is yogic sleep and is the state of putting the body to rest while keeping your mind alert. During this state your body h...

  • Yoga Nidra Body Scan for Deep Rest

    Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a great way to bring balance to your mind and body as well as deeply rest. I often find yoga nidra helpful to resetting the body or to be used in refocusing the mind. Today's meditation is a yoga nidra body scan meditation to soothe your mind and body - helping you ...

  • Bedtime Progressive Relaxation Meditation

    Settle down, get comfy, and enjoy this progressive relaxation guided meditation to help you unwind the tension of the day and let go into the deep sleep you need.

  • Mindful Body Scan Meditation

    Join me for this slow, sweet mindful full body scan and connect to every part of your body more deeply. Our bodies are the container for our innate energy and in this practice we become more fully present in the moment, and more deeply aware of our bodies.

    Props: Anything you think you might n...