Working with Anxiety through Movement & Breath

Working with Anxiety through Movement & Breath

Practices to help support you as you manage anxiety, bring balance to your nervous system, build greater resilience, and offer ideas to use in times of stress and anxiety. (Class Pack - 20 classes including breath, vagal toning, Hatha yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and meditation))

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Working with Anxiety through Movement & Breath
  • Breath Practice for Vagal Toning | Pranayama

    The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves and is the only one that "wanders" throughout your entire body - connecting to and affecting almost every organ system of the body. It is also the nerve bundle that helps us moderate the balance between fight/flight/freeze and rest/digest/socialize in ...

  • Vagal Toning Techniques for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

    I continue to learn new ways to work with anxiety and panic attacks and build better nervous system resilience. Today I offer a couple of simple practices to use anytime - even if you are not super anxious, so you can build a toned and resilient autonomic nervous system. The vagus nerve bundle ...

  • Vagus Nerve Toning | Breath + Massage for Anxiety & Stress

    Many of us have heard of our vagus nerve but few of us know how to tap into it's power to help soothe anxiety and stress. In this practice we will use self massage and breathwork to activate and tone our vagus nerve bundle so we can move into our parasympathetic nervous system more easily and br...

  • Deeply Soothing Pranayama for Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Trauma

    Pranayama or breath practices are a powerful way to get into our bodies and release trauma and also a way to calm anxiety and panic attacks. When we are in a traumatic situation or suffering from trauma or anxiety, we breathe shallow, short, small breaths. By working with the breath in multiple...

  • Downshifting Your Energy | Meditation for Anxiety & Stress

    Many times in our daily lives we can feel overwhelmed, overstimulated and too much in our heads. This can lead to feeling anxious, stressed, and disconnected. In this practice we work with a meditation my guru taught me - downshifting. It's a great way to move excess energy from the subtle, re...

  • Grounding & Centering Meditation | Anxiety & Stress Relief

    Anxiety, panic attacks, overwhelm - we all experience them from time to time. For me, focusing on breath, connecting to earth and feeling stable are pivotal in helping me move through periods of stress. In today's meditation, we take some time to explore our breath, connect physically to our bo...

  • Meditation for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

    If you suffer from panic attacks or anxiety, you understand how overwhelming it can feel in the moment - clammy hands, cold sweat, paralyzing feeling and lack of control. But, there are some breathing and visualization tools to help you ground and bring yourself back from an all out panic attack...

  • Nighttime Switching Off Progressive Relaxation Meditation

    If you struggle to get to sleep or just need some deep rest but your mind and/or body won't settle down, this is a great practice to explore. We mindfully connect, become aware of, and "switch off" each area of the body with compassion - giving ourselves permission to heal, restore, rest, relax,...

  • Full Body Low Slow Yoga Flow | Gentle Grounding Yoga

    Today's 35 minute yoga flow practice is a grounding slow flow for the entire body - staying low to the ground focusing on depth, hold and breath. Take time for yourself to move and stretch your entire body - feeling relaxed and grounded at the end.

    Props: strap or belt/scarf/towel

  • Slow Flow for a Crazy Day | Return to Center

    Everyone has crazy days - you know - those days filled with a ton of stuff to do, rushing from place to place, feeling pulled in a million directions.

    Slowing down, paying attention to the breath, holding poses a bit longer can help slow everything down, bring you back to center, and deepen ...

  • Calming Yoga for Empaths | Anxiety & Stress Relief

    As an empath, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the energy of the room, of others, and of the world. When feelings become intense, empaths need to slow down, ground, and mindfully practice self care to support themselves.

    This ground bound practice incorporates meditation, breath, slow and...

  • Sweet Grounding Yoga + Body Scan

    Whenever you feel disconnected, overwhelmed, tired or restless - this practice is for you! Ground bound, earth centered poses followed by a full body scan to help you get out of your head and into your body - bringing balance to mind, body, and spirit.

  • Yin Yoga for Anxiety & Worry | Spleen Meridian

    Everyone has periods where they worry more than usual, focusing on the tiniest things - past or future - with a worried feeling attached. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Spleen is the organ system associated to the Earth element, the transition period of late summer (summer to fall/wi...

  • Yin Yoga for Grounding

    We could all use a little more grounding in our lives, right? Our lives are filled with a whirlwind of activity and demands and we often need to find some stability to balance that out. This practice is about grounding - settling into long held, ground bound poses - breathing - mindfully connec...

  • Yin AM: Full Body Yin Yoga for Stress & Anxiety

    If you only have 30 minutes - how about a Yin Yoga Full Body Balancing practice! We balance all the meridians, stretch the entire body and release tension. Great for first thing in the morning OR perfect for pre-bedtime routine to release the tension of the day.

    Props: 1 blanket OR be...

  • Yin Yoga | Stillness in the Breath

    In every breath, naturally and organically, there is space - stillness - quiet. At the end of each inhale and each exhale there is this sweet space - a place to just be. No doing, no demands, just stillness.

    Between each pose, there is the opportunity, especially in Yin Yoga, to just be, feel,...

  • Restorative Yoga Snack for Stress & Tension

    Today's Restorative Yoga Snack is all about releasing tension and stress using a bolster to fully support you in just two poses. Short and sweet, very relaxing and great for bedtime or whenever you need to let go!

    Props: 1 block or large book (block:, 1 bolster or pi...

  • Restorative Yoga Bliss | Morning Edition

    Ever wake up feeling a bit overwhelmed and feel as if the day is going to be a very challenging one?

    I understand that feeling! But, if you have 30 minutes, I might be able to change your entire day! Restorative Yoga can bring you back to center, restore your energy and sense of peace - he...

  • Sacred Rest | Constructive Rest Savasana

    Rest. We all need more of it to heal, restore, nourish our minds, bodies, and souls. Yoga has a gift and it's called savasana. Savasana is the ultimate healing pose, guiding you back to your best self with love and compassion. Gather your props and join Lucy and I for some deep, healing rest ...

  • Sacred Rest | Side Lying Savasana

    Ready for some deep rest, healing, and quiet? Join Lucy and I for this side lying supported savasana that will help you refill your cup. Take some time to feel supported, cared for, nourished with home props.

    Props: 1-3 throw pillows or 1 bolster (bolster: and 2 throw ...