Yin AM: Full Body Yin Yoga for Stress & Anxiety
Managing Anxiety thru Movement & Breath (20 pack)
If you only have 30 minutes - how about a Yin Yoga Full Body Balancing practice! We balance all the meridians, stretch the entire body and release tension. Great for first thing in the morning OR perfect for pre-bedtime routine to release the tension of the day.
Props: 1 blanket OR beach towel (or pick up one here:
Up Next in Managing Anxiety thru Movement & Breath (20 pack)
Yin Yoga | Stillness in the Breath
In every breath, naturally and organically, there is space - stillness - quiet. At the end of each inhale and each exhale there is this sweet space - a place to just be. No doing, no demands, just stillness.
Between each pose, there is the opportunity, especially in Yin Yoga, to just be, feel,...
Restorative Yoga Snack for Stress & T...
Today's Restorative Yoga Snack is all about releasing tension and stress using a bolster to fully support you in just two poses. Short and sweet, very relaxing and great for bedtime or whenever you need to let go!
Props: 1 block or large book (block: http://amzn.to/2sIEm6L), 1 bolster or pi...
Restorative Yoga Bliss | Morning Edition
Ever wake up feeling a bit overwhelmed and feel as if the day is going to be a very challenging one?
I understand that feeling! But, if you have 30 minutes, I might be able to change your entire day! Restorative Yoga can bring you back to center, restore your energy and sense of peace - he...