Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

The perfect practice for anytime you need to fully release, soften, relax and unwind. Perfect for restoring you to balance and for grounding the mind and body.

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Restorative Yoga
  • New Moon Restorative Yoga | Reclaiming Peace

    I will protect my peace.
    I will PROTECT my peace.
    I WILL protect MY peace.
    My inner peace.

    These are the words to live by and how we can set boundaries, engage with the world, share energy and still feel deeply connected to our own inner guides. Peace begins with us. When we practice peace - i...

  • Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga

    Our vagus nerve system, along with many other things, helps regulate our ability to downshift from flight, fight or freeze to rest, digest and heal. Keeping our vagus nerve system healthy, responsive, active, and resilient helps us recover faster and keeps us healthier. Restorative Yoga is the ...

  • Bedtime Restorative Yoga for Deep Peaceful Sleep

    Your day is done and you are ready to settle down for the night but you still feel a little of the days energy and tension. Join me for a sweet bedtime practice you can do in bed with your pillows - a practice to unwind, soften, release, and invite deep healing and restorative sleep.

    Props: 2 ...

  • Restorative Yoga for Long COVID | Breathe

    If you or someone you know is struggling with long COVID symptoms - including brain fog, exhaustion, unable to take a deep breath...this practice is for you. We use supportive props to help open up the upper back, chest, shoulders, and side body while allowing you to soften and feel supported. ...

  • New Moon Restorative Yoga | The Wisdom to Know the Difference

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the thins I can; and, the wisdom to know the difference.

    Many of us have read or heard of the Serenity Prayer, but how do you apply it in your everyday living? We tap into our intuition, listen carefully to our ...

  • Autumn Restorative Yoga | GATHER

    Autumn comes with winds, the slight chill, the crispness in the air and we feel it! Today's practice we are working with the element of Metal and the Lung/Large Intestine organ systems to help bring balance as well as support easy digestion as we transition from season to season.

    Join us for pr...

  • A Warm Hug Restorative Yoga

    Ever need a warm hug? Me too. While I can only send you a warm hug virtually, I can offer you (along with Lucy of course), a lovely Restorative Yoga practice that is simple, loving, supportive, and might leave you feeling HUGGED.

    Props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster or 2 pillows, 2 blankets and/or 2 th...

  • Savor the Moment | New Moon Restorative Yoga

    Honor the energy of this New Moon with a sweet Restorative Yoga practice to help you release fully, relax deeply, and connect mindfully to your senses.

    Affirmation: The sweetness of life flows to me and through me, and I radiate its joy.

    Reading: Honoring Sensuality by Pixie Lighthorse from P...

  • Summer Restorative Yoga | BLOSSOM

    Summer is the peak of our energy turning outwards and many of us feel ebullient, joyful, open. In this practice we focus on the upper body - opening the side body, chest, and upper back to help connect to the "fire" energy of summer. If you are practicing in Winter, this is a great practice to ...

  • Daring Greatly | New Moon Restorative Yoga

    Welcome to the New Moon and to Daring Greatly - an exploration of vulnerability as courage. Join me as we open our hearts and minds to the possibilities of choosing vulnerability as a path to courageous acts each and every day.

    Props: 1 bolster or 2 bed pillows, 1 block, 1-2 blankets and any o...

  • Wood Element Restorative Yoga

    Springtime is the energy of wood and the liver/gallbladder meridians. It's a time of detoxification, clearing out the denseness and heaviness of winter. In this practice we use the support of props to help us settle in and allow the poses to do all of the work for us as we support our natural d...

  • Spring Restorative Yoga | Spring Cleaning

    It's springtime and you may be feeling heaviness of winter! In this practice we support the liver/gallbladder meridians (related to Spring) to help our bodies do what they naturally want to do in this transition time entering a new season - Spring Clean! Join me for a supported practice where w...

  • Living Peace | New Moon Restorative Yoga

    Living Peace(fully) can mean a lot of things but today we are focusing on living peace inside of ourselves by releasing the critical voice and being loving and respectful of ourselves as beautiful beings of light.

    Affirmation: I speak to myself with love and respect.

    Props: 1-3 blankets or be...

  • Intuition of the Mind & Body | New Moon Restorative Yoga

    I honor the innate intelligence of my mind and body.

    In this New Moon practice we are exploring and connecting to the innate intelligence of the mind and body through Restorative Yoga, breath, and a mindful body scan.

    There are two kinds of intuition - the one we often think about such as tha...

  • Space Between | New Moon Live Restorative Yoga

    Welcome to the New Moon and your self care practice this week - honoring this time of year where we are "between" seasons and perhaps, between parts of our lives.

    Affirmation: Each experience I have is worthy of being seen and honored fully.

    Reading: Danna Faulds "Go In and In" from Go In And...

  • New Moon Live Restorative Yoga | You Are Enough

    Affirmation: I let go of limiting beliefs and I choose to trust myself.

    Join me for this New Moon Restorative Yoga practice where we soften, release, and allow - remembering that we are enough right here in this moment. Wending through our practice is the theme of Santosha - contentment - and ...

  • Reflection | New Moon LIVE Restorative Yoga

    As we enter the end of the year, we come into a time of deep stillness, reflection, and inner space. Honoring this helps us reconnect to the natural seasonal cycle and our minds/bodies. Through breath, mindful presence, and deeply supportive, nourishing, long held poses - we explore BEING.

  • Peaceful Stillness | New Moon LIVE Restorative Yoga

    Stillness. It's something we all need more of in our daily lives but something many of us get very little of. Stillness can help us heal, focus, be more creative, be more present, and settle into our bodies.

    Join us for a soft, supportive, sweet Restorative Yoga practice where we explore breat...

  • New Moon Live Restorative Yoga | Honoring the Sacred Pause

    What does the word "pause" mean to you? How does the word change when you add "sacred"?

    The sacred pause is slowing down and becoming fully present in the moment no matter what you are doing throughout your day. It can be sipping your tea/coffee, taking a walk, cooking, gardening, bathing - yo...

  • Embracing Possibility | New Moon Live Restorative Yoga

    This practice is during the New Moon in Pisces, a time of dreaminess which fits in perfectly with the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere where we are feeling those first few signs of Spring - daffodils, tulips, more rain showers, new life everywhere, new beginnings!

    Today we are focusing on deep,...

  • Healing the Heart | New Moon Live Restorative Yoga + Yoga Nidra

    A deeply restorative and healing practice to release tension throughout the body, breathe deeply, and open up the upper back, chest, and breath. We spend a little time opening the side body in static stretches and move into long held, fully supported yoga poses to soften and relax - allowing the...

  • Restorative Yoga for the Waning Moon

    As we enter the waning moon, our energy naturally begins to turn downward and inward as we prepare to release whatever is holding us back from moving forward positively in our lives. Preparing for the New Moon cycle and new intentions, we find ourselves focusing more internally on what needs to ...

  • Restorative Yoga for New Moon | Reset

    Another New Moon cycle approaches and now is the time to soften, release, and rest - in preparation for the New Moon cycle.

    Join Lucy and I for this full body practice focused on turning inward and allowing...
    Props: (Optional - 1 very needy cat), 2 blankets OR beach towels (blanket: http://...

  • Sacred Rest | Savasana Nest with Body Awareness

    If you only have time for one pose how about the most supportive, healing, and restorative yoga pose - savasana. Join me for Sacred Rest, a collection of beautiful practices to refill your cup with props, breath, grounding, and self love. Gather your props and rest...

    Props: 2-3 blankets/towel...