We can get caught up in the downhill rush at the end of the year and feel super tired. That's what Self Care September is for! This month our theme is Regenerate and we focus on soft, healing, nurturing practices to help support our bodies/minds/energy natural healing. This might mean going deep inside our core and reaching for those inner beliefs to move forward from, it might mean taking a break and letting things just be, it might mean setting boundaries and reprioritizing our lives. Whatever it is, listen to what your body and heart are saying they need and hold space for that.
Reading: John O'Donohue
Props: 1-2 blankets (Blanket: https://amzn.to/40vhOXS) or towels, 1 bolster (Bolster: https://amzn.to/477vuuC) or bed pillow, 1-2 blocks (Block: https://amzn.to/3SAuH0C) or 1-2 throw pillows and whatever else calls to you today.
Up Next in Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga | The Healing Power ...
Restorative Yoga is about healing all of the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic cracks that occur each day - helping us soften and restore our bodies and minds to a healthy state. Lean into the beautiful and compassionate support of props today as we breath, let go, and invite deep rest....
New Moon Restorative Yoga | Reclaimin...
I will protect my peace.
I will PROTECT my peace.
I WILL protect MY peace.
My inner peace.These are the words to live by and how we can set boundaries, engage with the world, share energy and still feel deeply connected to our own inner guides. Peace begins with us. When we practice peace - i...
Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga
Our vagus nerve system, along with many other things, helps regulate our ability to downshift from flight, fight or freeze to rest, digest and heal. Keeping our vagus nerve system healthy, responsive, active, and resilient helps us recover faster and keeps us healthier. Restorative Yoga is the ...
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