Mindful Moments for Busy People | Meditation & Pranayama

Mindful Moments for Busy People | Meditation & Pranayama

If you struggle every day to find time for meditation and pranayama (breath regulation) practice, this playlist is for you! With practices under 10 minutes to help center, soothe, reset, focus, calm, and energize you when needed - this playlist is about taking care of you.

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Mindful Moments for Busy People | Meditation & Pranayama
  • Meditation for a Challenging Day | Gather Your Energy

    Some days we meditate to soothe, calm, and soften. But sometimes we need a meditation to connect to our inner fierce strength - to our warrior self - especially if we have a challenging or tough day ahead. This 10 minute morning meditation will help you ground, center, and recollect your energy...

  • 3 Seeds of Intention Morning Meditation

    Take a moment to breathe, be still, and set your intention for the day - reawakening to the beauty inside of you. Plant three seeds for today and feel them grow...

  • A Gratitude Morning Meditation

    Good morning! Welcome to a new day - a day filled with possibility! Join me for this 5 minute meditation to set the tone for you day - beginning with gratitude. Starting your day with gratitude can open your eyes to the beauty around you, connect you to the present moment, keep you grounded an...

  • Inspired Day Morning Meditation | Positive Affirmations for a Great Day!

    Before you even get up, set the tone for your day with this 5 minute meditation filled with affirmations to inspire your day! ! You can do this meditation right in bed at the beginning or end of your day to bring positive energy, focus, calm, and strength into your daily life. Enjoy!

  • Morning Meditation for a Positive Day | Little Ray of Sunshine

    In this practice I share my personal morning meditation and mantra - the practice that sets the mood for my day and brings light into my life no matter what. Join me for this short and focused little "Ray of Sunshine" meditation.

  • Pranayama for Long COVID Colds Flu | Deeper Breaths

    If you have been living with long COVID, a long term illness that has affected your ability to breathe deeply, flu or a cold or anytime you feel your breath restricted (even anxiety and panic attacks) - this is a practice for you.

    We begin reclined and work our way through deeper and more effo...

  • Breath Awareness Meditation (with birdsong)

    Take a few moments today to settle into your breath, mindfully connecting to your body, the earth, and being fully present. Enjoy my backyard along with some birds singing - you requested this meditation and I am so happy to offer it!

  • Vagal Toning Techniques for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

    I continue to learn new ways to work with anxiety and panic attacks and build better nervous system resilience. Today I offer a couple of simple practices to use anytime - even if you are not super anxious, so you can build a toned and resilient autonomic nervous system. The vagus nerve bundle ...

  • Breath Practice for Vagal Toning | Pranayama

    The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves and is the only one that "wanders" throughout your entire body - connecting to and affecting almost every organ system of the body. It is also the nerve bundle that helps us moderate the balance between fight/flight/freeze and rest/digest/socialize in ...

  • Soothing Breath Meditation | Sama Vritti & Nadi Shodhana

    Join me for a beautiful soothing combination of breath and body awareness, same length breath regulation and alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) to help soothe and center you mind, body and spirit.

  • Downshifting Your Energy | Meditation for Anxiety & Stress

    Many times in our daily lives we can feel overwhelmed, overstimulated and too much in our heads. This can lead to feeling anxious, stressed, and disconnected. In this practice we work with a meditation my guru taught me - downshifting. It's a great way to move excess energy from the subtle, re...

  • Grounding Meditation | Seated Body Scan

    We often think of body scans when we are lying down but a body scan is a mindfulness technique you can use anytime - even when you are sitting upright. Waiting for someone? Sitting at your computer?

    Take a break, breath, and become fully aware and connected to your body in just 10 minutes. ...

  • Ball Breathing | Mindfulness Meditation

    Ball breathing is a beautiful breath meditation that incorporates mindful awareness, kinesthetic (touch) elements, and breath melded together to reconnect you to the present moment. It can be used anytime, anywhere you need stillness and to return to center. Nothing special required and this is...

  • Vagus Nerve Toning | Breath + Massage for Anxiety & Stress

    Many of us have heard of our vagus nerve but few of us know how to tap into it's power to help soothe anxiety and stress. In this practice we will use self massage and breathwork to activate and tone our vagus nerve bundle so we can move into our parasympathetic nervous system more easily and br...

  • Morning Wakeup Yoga Stretch in Bed

    Join me for this short little in bed morning stretch to unwind your body, bring fluidity to your joints, and connect to your feelings of gratitude - a BEAUTIFUL way to start your day with intention.

  • Cooling Pranayama for Anger, Overheating & Hot Flashes

    Here's a quick pranayama practice to help you cool down, soothe, and feel cooler fast! Just 2 practices - sitali and sitkari pranayamas - can do wonders for reducing body temperature and reducing the "heat" from anger and frustration. These can be used anytime you are overheated, especially in ...

  • Morning Pranayama Practice | Ujjayi & Diaphragmatic Breathing

    Join me for this balancing pranayama practice to start your day with energy and focus. Includes Ujjayi pranayama and diaphragmatic breathing practices to open up your entire lung capacity and fill the body with positive, balanced energy. Can be used anytime to reconnect to your breath, recenter...

  • Evening Pranayama for Deep Restful Sleep

    One of my favorite ways to settle in at night and prepare for deep, restful sleep is to practice pranayama while I am in bed. Regulating your breath can clear your energy, release tension and tightness throughout the body, help you settle into your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and heal),...

  • Finding Peace in the Moment Meditation

    In our busy and demanding lives it can sometimes be difficult to find our inner peace but it is still there! In this meditation practice we focus on using the breath and the natural, organic pauses to connect with stillness, quiet, peace.

    Your breath is always with you and within it you can a...

  • A Moment of Gratitude Meditation

    People who practice daily gratitude, research shows, live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Let's be honest - humans are hardwired to see more negative than positive so what we need to do is TRAIN our minds to be more grateful.

    That's what this is all about - taking a few momen...

  • Nadi Shodhana | Alternate Nostril Breath | Pranayama

    Nadi Shodhana is one of my very favorite breath practices as it brings energy back to balance - helping balance the Yin and Yang, left and right, sun and moon sides of the body/mind. This simple little breath is great ANY TIME and can be used to crown your Yin or Restorative practice for a deepe...

  • Box Breath | Grounding Pranayama

    Ever heard of box breathing? It is actually just what it sounds like. Inhale for a count, hold for same count, exhale same, hold for same. It's a beautiful breath practice to use anytime you need to ground and settle - great for anxiety and panic attacks. In this practice we start with 4 coun...

  • Daoist Breath Meditation

    Sometimes we need to meditate AND breathe but we just cannot settle down enough to do it. How about melding the two with movement in a lovely and short movement meditation? This practice uses the Daoist breath to help synchronize the mind, body, and spirit. Enjoy!

  • Energy Clearing Meditation

    Throughout our day we engage with others in conversations, transactions, and energy exchanges. Often, that energy leaves a residue behind - feeling heavy and weighted. This meditation is all about washing that residual energy from others and from your day away so you can feel refreshed and ligh...