Dharma Talks | Exploring Yoga Philosophy
Join me as we explore the concepts of yoga philosophy together, sharing our information, understanding and experiencing new ideas in our bodies and minds.
Dharma Chat | Muladhara (Root) Chakra | Exploration & Practice
The root chakra, or muladhara, is the first chakra at the base of the spine. It is most often related to our basic needs - feeling safe, stable, supported, connected. In this practice we talk about the elements of a healthy root chakra and practice a meditation to help us feel more stable and c...
Boundary Setting for Manifesting a More Fulfilling Life
Many of us will struggle with creating, maintaining, and communicating personal and professional boundaries at some point. What makes boundaries so challenging? Why do we need boundaries? What can they do for us? What are the types of boundaries? And how can we start small and build stronger...
Ishvara Pranidhana Dharma Chat | Surrender
What does surrender mean to you? If you are like most, the concept of surrender is one of the hardest to understand and explore in your own life. Ishvara Pranidhana is the fifth Niyama in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and is often translated as surrender to the divine. Join me as we discuss what it c...
Exploring the Meaning of AUM | Dharma Chat
Ever wondered what aum/om means? In this dharma talk we chat about the various translations and meanings of aum from the essential sounds and their effect on the palate and tongue to a connection to the concepts of yoga nidra. I share some references and offer ideas on deepening your understan...
Breath of Life PRANA | Dharma Chat
How does air, prana, vyoman, breath figure into our lives? What does it feel like to be fully present with the breath, with air and with the embrace and nourishment of this vital substance?
Resources: The Radiance Sutras translated by Lorin Roche https://amzn.to/3vvUEDc AND To Bless This Spac...
Samanta Dharma Chat | Four Elements Within & Without | Interbeing
Interbeing - a phrase coined by Thich Nhat Hanh - is about sensing, understanding and living fully connected to our divine self as it is within and without. Nature is in us, we are in nature. Each breath is breathed by every living thing. We are connected down to the cellular level and that co...
Ahimsa Dharma Chat | A Life of Nonviolence
Many of us see nonviolence as related to physical violence and while that is also true, there are many more subtle ways to express violence. In this dharma chat we discuss some other ways we can look at living a more nonviolent life with breath and meditation.
References used: The Yoga Sutras ...
Satya Dharma Chat | Truthfulness & Integrity
Satya, truthfulness, is the 2nd of the Yamas in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras pertaining to the 8 Limbs of Yoga. Satya is intertwined with Ahimsa (nonharming) and the two together are inseparable when it comes to connecting to and interacting with the world. Satya asks us to be honest, truthful, auth...
Brahmacharya Dharma Chat | Moderation in All Things
Exploring the many interpretations and applications of brahmacharya - the 4th Yama of the 8 Limbs of Yoga (Patanjali's yoga sutras). We explore some traditional interpretations and the move onto some more modern interpretations and applications we can use in our everyday lives.
References used:...
Asteya Dharma Chat | Generosity of Spirit
Asteya is often translated as nonstealing and can be interpreted several ways. While it can mean not taking from others, it can also mean generosity, non-comparison, living in abundance, giving back, not taking more than you need and more. Join me as we dive deeper into "asteya" through meditat...
Aparigraha Dharma Chat | Non-Attachment
Aparigraha, the 4th Niyama of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, is often translated as non-greed, non-grasping, or non-attachment. But sometimes the line between non-attachment and caring for something deeply is a hard one to interpret. Can you release expectations, offer yourself freely, give a gift wi...
Saucha Dharma Chat | Purity
Saucha or purity, the second Niyama in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (2.40) affects every aspect of our lives. Saucha is about cleansing practice and purification practices for body, mind, and spirit. Join me as I share some background, interpretations, ideas, and a practice exploration of this beaut...
Santosha Dharma Chat | Contentment & Gratitude
Santosha, or contentment, is the second Niyama in the Yamas and Niyamas set out by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. These are the ways we can grow, learn, develop and be better in our own lives.
In this chat we explore ideas on how to translate this sutra and apply it to our everyday lives and h...
Tapas Dharma Chat | The Fire Within
Our dharma chat today is about tapas - the 3rd Niyama in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Tapas is often translated as discipline, fire, passion and many think this means physical effort (and yes, it might include that), but it also incorporates mental and emotional states of passion and fire. This is ...
Svadhyaya Dharma Chat | Study of the Self
Self study can mean several things from taking time to practice, read, explore with others but sometimes self study truly means becoming still and studying self...having the courage to sit with who you are and go past the labels and titles you have. Who is the real you? Join me for a chat and p...
One World Introduction 2022
Ready to jump into 2022? So am I and I have so many ideas to explore with you this year. This video is an introduction to what's to come and how we will be exploring the concept of ONE WORLD in each month. Join me...
The Unseen One | AIR
Air - it's absolutely vital to our entire planet to thrive and survive and it is all around us. It's the speed of thought, the energy of new beginnings, the music we hear, the space we see through, and the sweet force that holds us in it's embrace. Come - explore AIR with me and how YOU can hel...
ENERGY in Balance
Physical, mental, emotional - how do we use our energy? And, how do we use our energy for our homes, lives, households? This month is all about looking at how we use energy - philosophically and in the world and how we can be better managers of our energy!
For more information - https://ourwor...
THIS is Water
Welcome to our theme this month - WATER! Join me as we dive into how we feel, perceive, interact with, and conserve water - helping save this precious resource for the next generation. Water sustains all life on earth - how can we be better stewards of it?
Intro To REDUCE | Less is More
In this intro we explore the different ways we can see reducing can help support our personal, emotional/mental lives AND the way it can work into our living on this earth. Join me for this little chat, get some ideas, and be creative on how you can REDUCE...
Intro to REUSE | Think Outside the Box!
What happens when something you own comes to the end of it's intended use or you no longer want/use/need it? Things do and that's to be expected but how can we reuse them in our lives? You might be amazed at the ideas out there (think Pinterest) to repurpose items from using it in your yard dec...
Intro to RECYCLE | Transformation
Recycling is all about transformation - transformation of one thing into another. In our daily lives "things" come to the end of their useful life and sometimes they must be turned into something altogether different through the "fire" of transformation. This is true of our inner lives as well....
ANIMALS | Intro to Animals | Protecting & Learning From
Animals are spiritual and physical allies on earth - embodiments of ideas, traits, styles of living - that we can look to include in our lives. Animals can teach us so much about ourselves, our lives, our world if we would only listen. A squirrel can show us how to play more, a bumblebee can sh...
Intro to Humans | Humanity as a Resource
Humans are a beautiful resource on planet earth from what we produce physically to our skills/talents/knowledge to our creativity to our cultures to our community. How can we live in greater harmony and "inter-be" with all of planet earth? How can we explore healing our ancestry and being good ...