Physical, mental, emotional - how do we use our energy? And, how do we use our energy for our homes, lives, households? This month is all about looking at how we use energy - philosophically and in the world and how we can be better managers of our energy!
For more information -
Up Next in Dharma Talks | Exploring Yoga Philosophy
THIS is Water
Welcome to our theme this month - WATER! Join me as we dive into how we feel, perceive, interact with, and conserve water - helping save this precious resource for the next generation. Water sustains all life on earth - how can we be better stewards of it?
Intro To REDUCE | Less is More
In this intro we explore the different ways we can see reducing can help support our personal, emotional/mental lives AND the way it can work into our living on this earth. Join me for this little chat, get some ideas, and be creative on how you can REDUCE...
Intro to REUSE | Think Outside the Box!
What happens when something you own comes to the end of it's intended use or you no longer want/use/need it? Things do and that's to be expected but how can we reuse them in our lives? You might be amazed at the ideas out there (think Pinterest) to repurpose items from using it in your yard dec...