Solar Plexus Chakra Restorative Yoga Snack
Yoga 10-25 Minutes
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of our personal power and will and also the place of our digestion - both food/water AND ideas and concepts. In today's practice we use props to fully support us as we allow the poses to do all the work - breathing, being, allowing - our Solar Plexus chakra to activate and balance.
Props: 1 bolster or 1-2 bed pillows (bolster:, 1 block or 1-2 throw pillows (block:, 1-2 blankets or towels (blanket: AND any other props you want to support you fully in your practice.
Up Next in Yoga 10-25 Minutes
Heart Chakra Restorative Yoga Snack
The heart chakra is the gateway from the lower chakras to the upper chakras - helping us connect ourselves to the outer world with love, compassion, and acceptance. This is the place of self AND other and the element is air - light, free, open, and sharing. Join me for a deeply supportive pract...
Throat Chakra Restorative Yoga Snack
Our Throat Chakra is the center of our communication - our sharing of our true self with the world and includes the space of the upper chest, neck, jaw, mouth, and ears. It's a space where words and ideas can become stuck or "lodged" in our throat, preventing us from expressing our needs, wants,...
Nadi Shodhana B | Beginner's Pranayam...
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