{Y}indulge | Sweet Immersive Indulgent Yin Yoga

{Y}indulge | Sweet Immersive Indulgent Yin Yoga

{Y}indulge in a sweet, supportive and deeply nourishing practice. Long, supported holds meant to mobilize connective tissue with a focus on breath, mindfulness, and deep release. The perfect self care routine.

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{Y}indulge | Sweet Immersive Indulgent Yin Yoga
  • {Y}indulge | Yin Yoga to Return to Self

    There is a place we all feel safe, supported, and loved - and we often call that place "home". Maybe home is a person, an animal, an area, a house; but no matter what, home is a sacred space of comfort and stability.
    Home is where the heart is - and here in this practice we explore honoring ou...

  • {Y}indulge Home

    Where is home? What does home feel like, look like, sound like, taste like, smell like? What makes a home? Is it four walls? People? Things?

    In this practice we explore the concept of HOME and what the really means to each of us on a very personal level. Come home...

    By the way - Lucy is h...

  • {Y}indulge Presence | Being vs. Doing

    Do you ever just need a moment of quiet, stillness, breath? As we connect more deeply to this present moment - our bodies, minds, and feelings - we become more grounded, aware, and focused. By allowing ourselves to settle in and soften and take a moment we inspire new thoughts, feelings, energy...

  • {Y}indulge Grace

    From my very first awareness of being, I have always been fascinated by the idea of grace. What does it mean? How do I live gracefully? How do I make myself open to grace? Where is grace?

    In this practice we explore what, where, and how Grace exists in our lives and reconnect to our inner ...

  • {Y}indulge Hope

    The world seems filled with negativity and if that has you feeling weighted down and overwhelmed - remember HOPE.

    Hope is that potential inside every living being, filling us up, giving us the desire to move on, and bringing light into the darkest of days. Today we work with hope, sensing i...

  • {Y}indulge Freedom

    Freedom is a word we are all familiar with - in life, community, concept, politics. But what does freedom mean for you personally? How do you feel free?

    We explore the idea of freedom - of letting go, exploring, examining our long held emotions and ideas and working to find space. Feel ligh...

  • {Y}indulge Allow

    We are so often told to hide our feelings, bury our responses, control our selves - and while that may be the societal rules we have to live by - there are times where we need and should ALLOW ourselves the time to grieve, cry, be angry, feel all the feelings and have all the thoughts and simply ...

  • {Y}indulge Harmony | From Fragmented to Whole

    Every moment of our lives we are doing something but often thinking of something entirely different - either past, or future. We are torn, fragmented and pulled a million different ways. Taking some time to settle, breathe, focus on bringing ourselves into harmony - we hold our poses a little l...

  • {Y}indulge Tranquility

    Tranquility is SO hard to define but when you are in a tranquil state or feel tranquility - you know it! Tranquility is unique to each one of us and is often found after the hardest, most challenging work. It is a state that resides internally - just like a secret garden that you have to scale ...

  • {Y}indulge Acceptance

    The heart is known as our seat of vitality, the fire inside. Today we are working with the Heart Chakra - using mantra, breath, poses and mudras - to help bring more awareness to our sense of inner peace and acceptance. Develop your inner peace and feed your inner heart fire!

    Props: 2 blank...

  • {Y}indulge Revitalize

    Sometimes you just need to deeply release, let go, soften, be supported and let yourself come back to balance. In this practice we mindfully and softly work with the adrenals and kidneys to balance our energy and revitalize. Self care at it's best - like a day at the spa except BETTER!


  • {Y}indulge Joy

    Develop an awareness of the sweet moments of joy in every moment of your day. Connect to these, become more aware of them, cultivate an internal sense of joy and allow this to be shared.

    Props: 1-2 blankets or beach towels, 1 bolster or bed pillows

  • {Y}indulge Peace

    Peace - it is the one thing we all wish we had more of in our lives. From our everyday existence, to peace of mind, to peace throughout our world - we all dream of more peace. But where does peace come from? Where do we find it?

    In this practice we tap into the natural, organic peace inside o...

  • {Y}indulge Love

    What does love mean to you? Does it mean love for others? Compassion? Understanding? Does it include love for yourself?

    Love is so rich with meaning and so open to interpretation. In this practice we explore love in all it's facets - opening ourselves up to loving in balanced ways and unde...