The Pericardium protects the heart physically AND emotionally - regulating blood distribution, linking the sacral chakra to the heart chakra, and protecting the heart from excess/deficient emotional energies.
In this practice we focus on the upper body - chest, inner arms, neck and upper back to connect to and balance this meridian system. Check in with yourself and see if you are feeling too open or too closed, breathe, and explore this meridian system.
Props: 1 blanket or towel and 1 block or stack of books
Up Next in Yin Yoga
Third Eye Yin Yoga Snack
Our Third Eye chakra, centered in the middle of the forehead between the brows is all about our inner knowledge - our intuition. Today we use a short focused practice to reconnect to our own library of knowledge and feel more confident in our intuition as we move through our day. We work with t...
{Y}integration Yin Yoga | Satya | Tru...
Welcome to our second Yama of the 8 Limbs of Yoga! Today we are working with Truthfulness or Honesty - Satya. Satya is living your truth, being authentic, living in alignment with your values and being/showing/acting with honesty. It means being authentic every single day - and being honest wi...
Heart Warming Yin Yoga
Remember a moment in your life where you felt deep love and compassion from or with another person or situation? There are days you just need a big warm hug. Our practice today is all about warming your heart and kindling your heart fire with heart opening poses and visualization.
Props: ...