Everyone struggles with confidence from time to time - whether it be a new challenge, a life change, or a new situation. In this practice we work with the meridians and chakras most closely associated with building and connecting to our inner confidence! Starting with the root chakra to feel grounded and supported, moving into our solar plexus chakra to nurture our inner fire - our personal willpower - and finally onto the throat chakra to clear the way for us to express ourselves authentically.
Props: Optional: 1-2 blocks (block: http://amzn.to/2yHfZMs) and 1-2 blankets (blanket: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh)
Up Next in Throat Chakra | Vishuddha
Throat Chakra Yin Yoga | Expression o...
Ready to express your authentic self? The Throat Chakra is the seat of our self expression, communication and the expression of our authentic self. It incorporates the throat and the ears (and thyroid) all relating to communication with the world. If you have been feeling stuck, lost your voice...
Yin Yoga for Tinnitus | Neck, Upper B...
So many of you requested this practice and I can appreciate the challenge of struggling every day with tinnitus. Whether it be chronic, intermittent, recent or long term - there are a few things you can try to help you find a little peace and perhaps even lessen tinnitus effect on your every day...
Yin Yoga for Thyroid & Hormone Health
Our practice today focuses on the endocrine system and specifically on the thyroid gland - working to keep it healthy and bring it back to balance. In Western medicine and yoga we work with the chest, throat and neck to bring balance to this area. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, thyroid issues...