So many of you requested this practice and I can appreciate the challenge of struggling every day with tinnitus. Whether it be chronic, intermittent, recent or long term - there are a few things you can try to help you find a little peace and perhaps even lessen tinnitus effect on your every day life.
We focus on softening the space of the upper body: upper back, shoulders, neck, jaw, and chest to reduce tension here either causing or caused by tinnitus, work with breath practices to help manage symptoms and/or relieve them as well as soothe and calm mind and body, and move through poses that will bring more centering and calm as well as open up the upper body. This is also a great practice to open the throat chakra, release jaw/TMJ tension, release neck knots and upper back/shoulder tension. While there isn't a yoga cure for tinnitus - there are ways to help support you as you manage tinnitus each day. Wishing you all the best - feel free to use some or all of these practices to support you and enjoy a little PJ purring, love, and support near the end!
Props: 1 block (or pick one up here: or anything you feel will support you in your practice - kitty optional but very useful!
Up Next in Throat Chakra | Vishuddha
Yin Yoga for Thyroid & Hormone Health
Our practice today focuses on the endocrine system and specifically on the thyroid gland - working to keep it healthy and bring it back to balance. In Western medicine and yoga we work with the chest, throat and neck to bring balance to this area. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, thyroid issues...
Yin Yoga for Thyroid Health
Our thyroid gland affects so much of our bodies functioning - temperature, energy, heart rate and more. Because it is so integral to our health, keeping it healthy and functioning is pivotal.
Today, in this 30 minute Yin Yoga practice we work with opening the entire neck and throat area, as...