Summer Yoga & Meditation
Yoga and meditation to help bring balance to summer heat, explore the element of fire (and related meridians), and connect to the season.
Summer Restorative Yoga | BLOSSOM
Summer is the peak of our energy turning outwards and many of us feel ebullient, joyful, open. In this practice we focus on the upper body - opening the side body, chest, and upper back to help connect to the "fire" energy of summer. If you are practicing in Winter, this is a great practice to ...
Full Body Heart Chakra Yoga Flow | Fire Element | Chase the Blues Away {45 mins}
If the blues have you feeling down, don't fret! This 45 minute full body heart chakra flow practice will light a fire in your heart and help you blow those clouds away. We work with poses to uplift the heart and open the chest, upper back and shoulders - feel lighter, a little cheerier and tak...
Strength & Stretch | Yoga for Your Chest
Our shoulders, upper back and chest are all tied together very closely so when we work with one, we build strength and flexibility with the others. Join me for this 20 minute yoga flow were we focus on opening our chest space as well as building strength in various poses meant to work the "whole...
💕 Heart Opening Slow Flow Yoga | Feel Good Flow
Everyone could use a little heart opening, right? In this practice we focus on opening the chest, shoulders and upper back to breath more deeply, release tension and stress, and bring a smile to our faces (and hearts). Join me!
Props: 2 blocks or large books (block:
Mindful Yoga Flow | Brahmacharya | Energy Management
Each day we awaken we begin with new energy - what will we do with it, how will we use it, how long will it last, how do we conserve it for emergencies? Some will use all of their energy in a big outpouring and others will trickle it out as a precious resource and others will vary between one en...
Wrist Free (options) Slow Flow Yoga for Core & Ab Strength
In this 36 minute, hands free, slow flow yoga practice we will keep to the floor and work our entire core all the way around with slow, mindful movements that bring deeper awareness to our entire core. We will strengthen, tone, release and stretch the core from every different aspect! Join me!
Full Body Gentle Yoga Flow for When You Are Tired
Are you tired? Tired but want to stretch everything out in a gentle yoga practice that focuses on the ENTIRE body? This practice is JUST what you need. Deep stretches with longer holds keeping low to the ground and allowing you to release tension, stretch fully and NOT burn up energy you don't...
Salute the Sun | Full Body Yoga Flow
Sun Salutations have traditionally been used to warm the body for yoga practice and often can be found at the start of a Vinyasa or Ashtanga practice. They can also be used by themselves for a full body awakening and to bring mind and body into harmony.
In this practice we begin slowly, mindful...
Slow Flow for a Crazy Day | Return to Center
Everyone has crazy days - you know - those days filled with a ton of stuff to do, rushing from place to place, feeling pulled in a million directions.
Slowing down, paying attention to the breath, holding poses a bit longer can help slow everything down, bring you back to center, and deepen ...
Full Moon Yoga Flow | Gratitude
The Full Moon is the peak of our energy in the lunar cycle. We feel more socially extroverted, more assertive, more outwardly connected.
This is a wonderful time to explore your energy as well as the fullness of this lunar cycle. Looking back at the month with gratitude for all that has tra...
Core Inclusive | Yoga for Balance & Core Strength
Core is more than just a six pack - core is 3 dimensional with a top and a canister! Our core does so much for us and in order to keep a strong lower back, healthy side body, and be mobile - we need to work with all aspects of the core.
In this practice we will focus on the co...
Quick Grounding Yoga Flow + Guided Meditation
Everyone has days when you just don't have a lot of time - busy schedule, early morning demands or just feeling the pressure of things to get done. Even if you only have 15 minutes, you can ground, center, breathe, move and bring greater focus to your day with this 10 minute yoga flow and 5 minu...
Moon Salutation Flow | Chandra Namaskar
Chandra Namaskara or Moon Salutations are a slightly different, more Sacral Chakra flowing practice than Sun Salutations. In this practice we explore that flow with lunges, side stretches, crescents, and Half Moon pose!
Props: None required but grab what you think you might need to be comforta...
Heart Chakra Restorative Yoga with Affirmation
Our Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras - a bridge of connection, love, compassion, acceptance for ourselves AND others. Using props to open and release, we deepen our connection to this chakra as well as heal and restore mind and body.
Props: 2 blocks or sofa pillow...
Heart Opening Restorative Yoga Snack
Ever feel overwhelmed by the world's senseless acts of violence and wish you knew how to handle it? This practice is about connecting to your heart center, hugging it a little, sending some love and compassion to yourself and then to others to connect and bring peace. Join me for this heart foc...
Fire Element Restorative Yoga
In Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Theory (TCM), the element of fire is at it's peak during the summer months and is related to our Heart/Small Intestine and Pericardium/San Jiao meridians. Today we are working with fully supported poses that center on opening the chest, upper back, sh...
Soulful Rest Restorative Yoga | OPENING
Ever feel like you need a really deep supportive rest? Soulful Rest is all about getting that using lots of household props, long hold times and lots of quiet space to relax, release, restore the mind and body. So grab your pillows, blankets, bolsters, towels and join me for this chest, back an...
Heart Chakra Restorative Yoga Snack
The heart chakra is the gateway from the lower chakras to the upper chakras - helping us connect ourselves to the outer world with love, compassion, and acceptance. This is the place of self AND other and the element is air - light, free, open, and sharing. Join me for a deeply supportive pract...
Yin Yoga for Summer | Energy Peak
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is the peak of our natural energy cycle - energy turns outward - and is related to the Heart and Small Intestine meridians. Today we work with the upper body and these meridians to bring balance to our energy and allow it to flow more freely - opening our ...
Summer Solstice Yin Yoga | Fire & Water in Balance
The Summer Solstice is the peak of our fire energy and the moment when our water energy comes in and begins it's rise for Winter Solstice. It's historically a time of celebrating the sun's energy - feeling deep gratitude for the power of the sun. But, it's also this turning point where fire and...
Elemental Yin Yoga Fire | Heart Meridian | Summer
The element of fire is associated with summer, the heart and small intestine meridians and the heart chakra. In this practice we focus on opening and balancing the Heart and Small Intestine meridians that run on the inner seam of the arm, into the neck and chest. Focusing on these meridians can...
Yin Yoga for Pitta Dosha | The Science of Ayurveda
Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements and is the dosha related to transformation and digestion. Pitta dominant people tend to be go getters, game changers, outspoken, can eat almost anything without concern. Pitta dosha people often have more curves (compared to Vata dominant), have...
Yin AM Yoga for Gratitude | Heart Meridian
What are you grateful for? Today's practice is about opening your heart center - developing a deeper sense of compassion and gratitude to and for yourself first and allowing that feeling to spread outwards. A great practice to prepare your mind and body for the holiday season ahead to cheer you...
{Y}ingenuity | Movement of Chi | San Jiao Meridian
Chi, prana, or vital energy has a pathway - intake, assimilation and elimination. We are born with a certain amount of chi which is stored in our Kidneys and throughout our lives, we also acquire Chi through food, breath, environment. This "acquired chi" moves through the body from the Lungs/He...