Sacred Rest | Healing Power of Savasana

Sacred Rest | Healing Power of Savasana

Ever feel as if you could use some deep healing time, rest that nourishes you fully, a time to fill your cup? Sacred Rest is all about that. In this series there are several variations of the beautiful and healing pose SAVASANA - different props, body scans, constructive rest, breath awareness. Give yourself the gift of sacred rest time and enjoy!

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Sacred Rest | Healing Power of Savasana
  • Sacred Rest | Constructive Rest Savasana

    Rest. We all need more of it to heal, restore, nourish our minds, bodies, and souls. Yoga has a gift and it's called savasana. Savasana is the ultimate healing pose, guiding you back to your best self with love and compassion. Gather your props and join Lucy and I for some deep, healing rest ...


  • Sacred Rest | Savasana Nest with Body Awareness

    If you only have time for one pose how about the most supportive, healing, and restorative yoga pose - savasana. Join me for Sacred Rest, a collection of beautiful practices to refill your cup with props, breath, grounding, and self love. Gather your props and rest...

    Props: 2-3 blankets/towel...

  • Sacred Rest | Side Lying Savasana

    Ready for some deep rest, healing, and quiet? Join Lucy and I for this side lying supported savasana that will help you refill your cup. Take some time to feel supported, cared for, nourished with home props.

    Props: 1-3 throw pillows or 1 bolster (bolster: and 2 throw ...

  • Sacred Rest | Feet Up Savasana | Switching Off Meditation

    Sacred Rest is about taking the time to refill your cup, slowing down, breathing deeply, and allowing your body to heal and restore. Join Lucy and I for this feet up version to help your feet feel some love as well as release the tiredness of legs and feet while practicing a switching off medita...

  • Sacred Rest | Seated & Supported

    Welcome to another Sacred Rest practice - practices designed to help you take a little time out and rest, heal, restore, breathe, and just be with the loving support of props.

    Today we are taking it to a chair with some feet support, back support, breath awareness, and a soft body awareness scan...

  • Sacred Rest | Rest Nest + Breath

    Welcome to another Sacred Rest - a series about taking a few moments 10-15 minutes - to reboot, heal, restore, relax, and practice self love. Today we are practicing Supine Bound Angle - the queen of all Restorative Yoga poses with soft support and mental alternate nostril breathing. Feel deepl...