{Y}integration Yin Yoga | Ahimsa | Nonviolence
The Yamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (15 classes)
1h 21m
Welcome to the 8 Limbs of Yoga and {Y}integration! These practices dive deeper into the basic tenets and philosophical underpinnings of yoga as a journey or pathway to enlightenment.
Here we begin with the first step which includes the 10 basic tenets to live by - the Yamas (how we engage with and connect to the world around us) and the Niyamas (how we engage with ourselves and build our inner self).
In this practice we work with Ahimsa, the first and MOST important of all of the basic tenets. We use this as the evaluation of all things in our lives. Are we harming ourselves with our way of life, our words, our choices? Are we harming others by words, actions, choices? How do we integrate this into our daily lives and the choices we make - join me!
Props: 1-2 blankets or beach towels
Up Next in The Yamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (15 classes)
Yinspired Yoga Flow | Ahimsa | Nonhar...
Ahimsa is the first Yama in the Yamas and Niyamas in the 8 fold path of yoga. The Yamas are the basic tenets for our relationships with the world and this first Yama is the guide post for all that follow. This Yama is often interpreted as nonviolence or non-harming and can include refraining fr...
Satya Dharma Chat | Truthfulness & In...
Satya, truthfulness, is the 2nd of the Yamas in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras pertaining to the 8 Limbs of Yoga. Satya is intertwined with Ahimsa (nonharming) and the two together are inseparable when it comes to connecting to and interacting with the world. Satya asks us to be honest, truthful, auth...
{Y}integration Yin Yoga | Satya | Tru...
Welcome to our second Yama of the 8 Limbs of Yoga! Today we are working with Truthfulness or Honesty - Satya. Satya is living your truth, being authentic, living in alignment with your values and being/showing/acting with honesty. It means being authentic every single day - and being honest wi...