Breath of Life | New Moon Live Yoga Nidra
Taking a moment to soften, release, and find deep peaceful rest is a great way to welcome the new season. Today we explore our breath and allow it to help us heal - through awareness, presence, and release.
Reading: The Radiant Sutras as translated by Lorin Roche.
Loving the Body You Are In | New Moon Restorative Yoga
What does it mean to love your body? Are there parts of you that you love, admire and parts of you that you don't really like much? This practice is a reminder to check in, be grateful for the thousand tiny aspects of you that are working hard every day to keep you moving, breathing, thinking, ...
HOME & Hearth | New Moon Yin Yoga
What does it mean to you - the word home? This month we are exploring home - the place or space you hold dear, that helps you feel comforted and supported, rested and loved. Join me today was we honor HOME and explore what that means for us in this hour long Yin Yoga practice.
Props: 2 blanke...
Restorative Yoga for Resilience in Uncertain Times | New Moon Yoga
Welcome to this New Moon as we move into the end of the year! We can often feel this pressure to get a lot done and with the world around us struggling with elections, natural disasters, wars - we can feel the collective stress and tension all around us.
In this practice, we work with the hea...
New Moon Live Yoga & Breath Practice | REFLECTION
As we close out another summer and enter the Autumn, it's a beautiful time to pause, slow down, and process what has happened this year.
Join me for a gently flow to open your heart, release tension, and bring awareness to our breath.
Props: optional blanket (Blanket: https://amzn.to/40vhOXS...
Regeneration | New Moon Restorative Yoga
We can get caught up in the downhill rush at the end of the year and feel super tired. That's what Self Care September is for! This month our theme is Regenerate and we focus on soft, healing, nurturing practices to help support our bodies/minds/energy natural healing. This might mean going de...
Engaging with Your Inner Dialogue New Moon Yin Yoga
🌞 Celebrate the Summer Solstice on June 20 🌞 Join us in Sacred Circle for community, meditation, sound healing, journaling, and connection. Register here 👉 https://www.theyogaranger.com/summer-solstice-sacred-circle.html
During the day, many of us have a running dialogue in our heads that w...
Returning to Your Source | New Moon Yoga Nidra
We are everything we need within ourselves. But sometimes we forget. In the challenges of everyday living, we can forget how incredibly resourceful we are, how we have all of these beautiful resources/skills/talents/tools in our toolboxes/rituals/traditions that can support us everyday in every...
New Moon Restorative Yoga | Reclaiming Peace
I will protect my peace.
I will PROTECT my peace.
I WILL protect MY peace.
My inner peace.These are the words to live by and how we can set boundaries, engage with the world, share energy and still feel deeply connected to our own inner guides. Peace begins with us. When we practice peace - i...
REIGNITE | Passion & Presence New Moon Yoga Nidra
Welcome to a New Moon! Yoga Nidra is about reconnecting to your inner guide, your true self and in this practice we will be exploring softening, releasing, and opening ourselves up to passion and presence.
Gather your blankets, bolsters, and pillows - be warm and comfortable and join me on a jo...
RENEW | New Moon Yin Yoga
Slow down and set your intentions mindfully. Check in with your body, your mind, your heart to see what you really want and need this coming year to create intentions that reflect your personal truth.
Props: 1 blanket
Going (Y)inside Gratitude | New Moon Yin Yoga & Sound Bath
Gratitude isn't just a list or a feeling or a fleeting thought in our day - it is a way of living every moment with presence. When we are present, compassionate, kind and nonjudgmental, we are in a state of gratitude and gratitude can change your life!
Join me for a Yin Yoga practice where we e...
Connecting to Our Ancestors | New Moon Yoga
How can we honor our ancestry better? By being good ancestors, by acknowledging the lessons, skills, gifts, talents, abilities that we have been gifted and by knowing that we are born from love. We explore this and more in our breath and body.
Props: 1 blanket or towel or anything you need to...
New Moon Restorative Yoga | The Wisdom to Know the Difference
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the thins I can; and, the wisdom to know the difference.
Many of us have read or heard of the Serenity Prayer, but how do you apply it in your everyday living? We tap into our intuition, listen carefully to our ...
Dreaming In Color | New Moon Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath
"We dream in color...but we live in black and white..." (Jefferson Starship)
These words were in a song by Jefferson Starship and it was one of my favorite songs ever - still gives me goosebumps when I hear it. Why? Because each of us dreams beautiful, vivid, technicolor dreams but we are too...
A Heart Wide Open | New Moon Yin Yoga Benefit
Today's New Moon practice is a very special dog rescue benefit for the global initiative Yoga Stops Yulin to help bring more awareness to the plight of dogs and cats in southeast Asia and to support those on the ground helping rescue these animals and fight for change. For more information on ho...
Balancing Your Energy | New Moon Yoga
Summer is here and our energy is peaking - not only upwards but outwards. We may feel pulled to "do" everything at once, start a bunch of new things, share our energy everywhere but is this sustainable? There is time - time to enjoy, savor, explore, experience the summer with mindfulness and at...
Savor the Moment | New Moon Restorative Yoga
Honor the energy of this New Moon with a sweet Restorative Yoga practice to help you release fully, relax deeply, and connect mindfully to your senses.
Affirmation: The sweetness of life flows to me and through me, and I radiate its joy.
Reading: Honoring Sensuality by Pixie Lighthorse from P...
Artist's Way | New Moon Yoga Nidra
Stillness, breath, presence - these are the keys to opening up your artist's mind. The artist is fully in the moment and that is where inspiration comes from. Join me for this gentle movement practice followed by a full length yoga nidra to soften, and BE.
A Beginners Mind | New Moon Spring Prep Yoga
Welcome to the New Moon in Aries - energy rising for Spring and the fiery energy of Aries! Today we are working with building a bit of heat to burn off what is no longer needed, and focusing on balancing and supporting the liver/gallbladder meridian organ systems as we move into Spring. What se...
Daring Greatly | New Moon Restorative Yoga
Welcome to the New Moon and to Daring Greatly - an exploration of vulnerability as courage. Join me as we open our hearts and minds to the possibilities of choosing vulnerability as a path to courageous acts each and every day.
Props: 1 bolster or 2 bed pillows, 1 block, 1-2 blankets and any o...
Reigniting Passion | New Moon Live Yin Yoga
Welcome to the New Moon and to the Lunar New Year! We enter the year of the water rabbit or black rabbit - the energy of harmony, peace, water, Yin and feminine energy. Today's practice we are working with sensory experience within our practice helping us to reconnect and reigniting our passion...
New Moon Meditation + Journaling | Intentions
The New Moon is a time of intention setting - determining what you want to create, express, or give flight to in your life this month. This meditation will help you ground and sense what matters to you most for this coming month. We will then briefly journal our thoughts and feelings and write ...
New Moon Lunar Yin Yoga | Setting Intentions
Ready to unwind, release and soften? Join me for this 25 minute Yin Yoga Snack to release tension in the body, soften and breathe. A beautiful practice for turning inward and deeply resetting - giving you time and space for gentle self-reflection.
This practice is dedicated to Jim for inspir...