Our 3rd chakra, solar plexus or manipura, is associated with our sense of personal power, will, and drive. It is here that we define ourselves and feel empowered and confident. In this practice we are working with the Lung/Lg Intestine meridians to bring balance to this power center of the body - adding some deep twists to help with digestion. Enjoy!
Poem by Danna Faulds
Props: 2 blankets OR beach towels (blanket: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh) and 2 blocks (block: http://amzn.to/2sIEm6L)
Seven Chakras:
* Root Chakra/Muladhara: safety, support, grounding, community
* Sacral Chakra/Svadhistana: emotions, sensuality, creativity, relationships, connection
* Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura: personal power, sense of self, confidence, self-esteem
* Heart Chakra/Anahata: love, compassion, empathy, acceptance (giving and receiving)
* Throat Chakra/Vishuddha: expression, communication, authenticity, personal truth
* Third Eye Chakra/Ajna: intuition, knowledge, wisdom, inner guide
* Crown Chakra/Sahasrara: divine connection, spirituality, divine balance
Up Next in Yoga 45-60 Minutes
Sacral Chakra Yin Yoga | Creativity &...
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Root Chakra Yin Yoga | Grounding & Su...
Our Root Chakra is the first and base of the chakra system - the chakra where the energy of the body lies. In activating this chakra, we move the energy up the spine into the rest of the body. The Root Chakra is related to our sense of support, grounding, and stability. Join me for a Yin pract...
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