A Yin practice focusing on opening and balancing the Stomach and Spleen Meridians which run inside the front leg and up into the abdomen through the groin and hips.. If you have been feeling frustrated or having some stomach or digestive issues, this practice might help bring balance and comfort. Enjoy!
Props needed: 1-2 blankets or beach towels (or get them here: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh), 2 blocks or a small footstool or chair (or get them here: http://amzn.to/2sIEm6L).
Up Next in Yoga 35-45 Minutes
Yin Yoga for Heart/Lung Meridians
A Yin practice for the heart and lung meridians to bring balance to these areas. If you have been feeling sad, congested, constricted in the chest and upper shoulders, this practice can bring balance and openness to these areas. Allow your breath to heal and soothe these areas. Enjoy!
Yin AM: Yin Yoga for Side Waist | Obl...
Today's practice is focused on the side body- obliques, hips, IT bands - the full side waist. Opening this area will free up your breath, bring mobility to your hips and legs and give you a really deep stretch for the side waist. Plus, Lucy joins us for her instructional presence - Enjoy!
Yin AM Yoga for Gratitude | Heart Mer...
What are you grateful for? Today's practice is about opening your heart center - developing a deeper sense of compassion and gratitude to and for yourself first and allowing that feeling to spread outwards. A great practice to prepare your mind and body for the holiday season ahead to cheer you...