Every day I hit this lull in my energy - either in the mid morning or mid afternoon and I desperately want sugar, caffeine - something to boost my energy to keep going. Well, Yin Yoga is WAY healthier than caffeine and sugar and more effective at balancing your energy. Enjoy this quick 13 minute stretch that activates and balances the Kidney and Bladder Meridians and boosts your energy!
Props: 1 blanket (optional) OR beach towel (or pick up one here: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh
Up Next in Yoga 10-25 Minutes
Restorative Yoga for a Difficult Day
Ever have a really bad day? Don't we all get those? This Restorative Yoga Snack is for all the times you have a really bad day, a bad headache, or just feel fussy. Join me for a little reset - 13 mins! Enjoy!
Props: 1 blanket (optional) OR beach towel (or pick up one here: http://amzn.to/...
Yin Yoga Snack for Shoulders & Upper ...
In today's Yin Yoga Snack we are focusing on opening the upper back, chest and shoulders for deeper breathing, tension release and stress relief. Many of us hold a lot of tension in these areas, restricting our breath and causing tension headaches. In under 12 minutes, we unwind it all! Enjoy!
Yoga Snack Hands Free Core & Ab Blast
Today's yoga snack we are focusing on the ENTIRE core in under 15 minutes. The core is more than just a six pack or for pretty, the core holds us up, gives us balance, holds our organs in place, stabilizes other parts of the body and brings us overall good health. A healthy core is a strong AND...