Ever have a really bad day? Don't we all get those? This Restorative Yoga Snack is for all the times you have a really bad day, a bad headache, or just feel fussy. Join me for a little reset - 13 mins! Enjoy!
Props: 1 blanket (optional) OR beach towel (or pick up one here: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh),1 block or large book (or get one here: http://amzn.to/2sIEm6L) bolster or pillow (or get one here: http://amzn.to/2sO56md )
Up Next in Yoga 10-25 Minutes
Yin Yoga Snack for Shoulders & Upper ...
In today's Yin Yoga Snack we are focusing on opening the upper back, chest and shoulders for deeper breathing, tension release and stress relief. Many of us hold a lot of tension in these areas, restricting our breath and causing tension headaches. In under 12 minutes, we unwind it all! Enjoy!
Yoga Snack Hands Free Core & Ab Blast
Today's yoga snack we are focusing on the ENTIRE core in under 15 minutes. The core is more than just a six pack or for pretty, the core holds us up, gives us balance, holds our organs in place, stabilizes other parts of the body and brings us overall good health. A healthy core is a strong AND...
💕 Yin Yoga Snack for Heart & Hips | C...
Today we are taking a short break to open the heart and the hips - chest, shoulders, lungs, side body, hips, back. 10 minutes - two poses, some nice longer holds and focus on the breath - just what you need to feel more energy, opening and release!
Props: 1 blanket (optional) OR beach towel ...