Sacral Chakra Restorative Yoga Snack
Winter Yoga & Meditation
Take some time to connect to your flow, creativity, and your sacral chakra with this deeply healing and fully supported yoga practice meant to fit into any part of your day. Just 2 poses - deep breaths - sweet bliss - rest.
Props: 1 blanket or towel (optional) (blanket: 1 bolster or 1-2 bed pillows (or pick up a bolster here:, and 1-2 blocks or throw pillows for support (or pick one up here:
Up Next in Winter Yoga & Meditation
Water Element Restorative Yoga
The element of water is one we can all connect to daily - through the flow of our day, the flow of our breath, the awareness of the flow of life and yes, the flow of actual water (if we are lucky enough to be near some). Water is gentle, yet powerful, cleansing and renewing. It is the sacred en...
Sacral Chakra Restorative Yoga with A...
The Sacral Chakra is the seat of our creativity, sensuality, sexuality and relationships with others (and to some extent, ourselves). It is about flow and the element associated is water. The Sacral Chakra is located in the bowl of the pelvis and incorporates the hips, thighs, and pelvic area -...
Sacral Chakra Yin Yoga | Creativity &...
Our practice today is focused on the sacral chakra (svadisthana). This chakra is associated to our sense of connection, creativity, sensuality and going with the flow. The element is water and the meridians most associated with this chakra are the Kidney/Bladder meridians.
We will use mant...