Sometimes you just need long held, supported Restorative Yoga to help bring yourself back to balance. Today we practice heart opening/chest opening with a supported (Bridge Pose) back bend and an inversion (feet up the wall). Great for rebalancing after or during travel or at the end of a long day!
Props: 1 bolster or pillow (bolster:,1 blanket or beach towel (blanket:
Up Next in Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga Snack for Stress & T...
Today's Restorative Yoga Snack is all about releasing tension and stress using a bolster to fully support you in just two poses. Short and sweet, very relaxing and great for bedtime or whenever you need to let go!
Props: 1 block or large book (block:, 1 bolster or pi...
Restorative Yoga Snack for Deep Sleep
It's been a long day and you need to settle down, rest, release and relax. This 20 minute bedtime Restorative Yoga Snack will help you do just that - in your bed with your own pillows. We release the ENTIRE body to help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. Enjoy!
Props: 2 pillows on from...
Restorative Yoga for SI Joint & Low B...
Restorative Yoga can be a beautifully supportive and healing practice when you are struggling with an SI Sacroiliac joint flareup and/or lower back pain and can aid you in recovery. As someone who has struggled with SI joint issues for over 10 years, this is a go to practice to release and allow...