Falling For Fall | 14 Day Immersion for Change

Falling For Fall | 14 Day Immersion for Change

Transitioning between summer and fall is one of the hardest changes on our bodies. We shift from summer freedom, lightness, fiery foods, heat, and a more relaxed perspective to colder weather, heavier foods, schedules. In Ayurveda, this is the season of Vata where we feel a bit overwhelmed, unsettled, and our digestion tends to struggle. We can work with that by focusing our practice on digestive practices and Spleen/Stomach meridian practices as well as firing up the core to kick up our digestion. Let's fall for fall!

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Falling For Fall | 14 Day Immersion for Change
  • Get Twisty Yin Yoga Snack | Digestive Boost | Detox

    Join me for some deep twists to unwind tension, release your whole body, and boost digestion. Great for when you need a little break or before/after your regular yoga/workout/sport for a quick and focused practice booster. Perfect anytime of day!

  • Minimal Cues Yin Yoga | EARTH | Grounding

    Earth - late summer. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, late summer is the time of the element Earth (spleen/stomach meridians). This is often a period of challenging transition as we leave summer with it's fiery energy and move into a more introspective, inner focused energy. Join me on the mat...

  • Yin Yoga to Stimulate Digestion | Nourish & Detox

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  • Yin Yoga for Autumn | Transition

    It's the time of transition from late summer to fall and for many this transition can be challenging both mentally and physically - resulting in energy feeling stuck or low and digestion struggling. In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, there is a period of time between seasons in which ...

  • Detox Yoga Flow in 30 | Mindful Flow & Twists

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  • Elemental Earth Yin Yoga Snack

    The earth element in Traditional Chinese Medicine is related to the transition period between summer and fall (late summer) and is all about grounding, feeling stable, connected, centered.

    Oftentimes during the seasonal transition our digestion will feel off, we feel as if the world is movin...

  • EARTH Element Restorative Yoga

    The earth element in Traditional Chinese Medicine is all about transition - the time of late summer. This can be a time when you feel overwhelmed, tired, taxed, and rushed and taking the time for a supportive Restorative Yoga practice can help ground that energy. We focus on the Spleen/Stomach ...

  • Yin Yoga for Vata Dosha | The Science of Ayurveda

    What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, relating to lifestyle, food, nutrition and habits. In Ayurveda, there are 3 Doshas or energies in the body: Vata, Pitta, Kapha and people often have a blend of these with one dominating by a lot or a little. Each dosha is related to th...

  • Yin AM for Digestive Health

    The holidays can be a time of great cheer - eating amazing foods we only eat once a year, spending time with loved ones, eating, watching football, eating. You get the idea, right? All that eating, holiday stress, eating foods rich and yummy that we eat only a few times each year can wreak havo...

  • Autumn Equinox Yin Yoga

    Here we are at the Autumn Equinox - a time of BIG transition. From the warmth of summer and the fire and earth energy to the cooler temps, change in food, and nature transitioning. Just like the trees, we go through this transition and supporting this transition is pivotal in making it go smoot...

  • Yin Yoga for Seasonal Transition

    Today's 1 hour Yin practice is focused on helping you and your body transition from one season to another with ease. As we approach the equinox, our minds and bodies often undergo a period of excessive worry, unreasonable concern about the future, excess gas/bloating and digestive disorders. As...

  • Yin Yoga for Digestion

    If your digestion has been feeling a little off lately due to illness, stress, holidays or anxiety - this practice is for you! Also perfect to help you keep your digestive system balanced. We focus on soothing the digestive organs with breath while balancing the meridians associated with each ...

  • Restorative Yoga for Season Change | Detox & Digest

    Every season there is a transition period between one season and the next. Our bodies know it is coming, but with technology and our present lifestyles - this transition can seem anything but natural.

    If your digestion has been a little off, your mind scattered, and you feel ungrounded - th...

  • Yin Yoga ☯️ Balance & Bliss | Equinox Full Body Yin

    The Equinox means a point of balance - where two opposites are at an even point. Our practice today honors that balance - the balance between Summer and Fall - the transition time right after the harvest where there is a fullness and sense of completion before the long winter. This 50 minute Fu...