Yin Yoga for Vata Dosha | The Science of Ayurveda
Falling For Fall | 14 Day Immersion for Change
1h 5m
What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, relating to lifestyle, food, nutrition and habits. In Ayurveda, there are 3 Doshas or energies in the body: Vata, Pitta, Kapha and people often have a blend of these with one dominating by a lot or a little. Each dosha is related to the five elements: earth, air, water, space, fire.
Vata doshas are the energetic, fast moving, fast thinking, creative people of the world. They tend to be overstimulated and feel disconnected physically and mentally when overwhelmed. Vata dosha is also the energy that most often is out of balance (out of balance means disease) for many people.
In this class we work with grounding the body, working the element of earth to weigh Vata's space and air elements out. We settle, become still, connect to our minds and bodies to root down. If you are Vata dominant, or feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, or just need to settle in and ground - this class is for you!
Props: 1 blanket optional
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