Join me for this guided meditation including sensory and breath awareness, and an extended body scan to help you settle in for deep sleep. Set yourself up with blankets, pillows and turn off the lights to calm mind and body. Sleep well...
Up Next in Winter Yoga & Meditation
Surya Bhedana | Solar Pranayama
Our right side is our solar or sun side, the more active, energetic, doing, masculine energy in our bodies. Sometimes we need this energy to move ourselves forward, keep alert and focused, and be more energetic.
In this practice we focus on activating the solar energy through breath - helping...
Yoga Nidra Body Scan for Deep Rest
Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a great way to bring balance to your mind and body as well as deeply rest. I often find yoga nidra helpful to resetting the body or to be used in refocusing the mind. Today's meditation is a yoga nidra body scan meditation to soothe your mind and body - helping you ...
Evening Pranayama for Deep Restful Sleep
One of my favorite ways to settle in at night and prepare for deep, restful sleep is to practice pranayama while I am in bed. Regulating your breath can clear your energy, release tension and tightness throughout the body, help you settle into your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and heal),...