Winter is the time of water - connecting to our inner flow and centering in peace, stillness, and quiet as we prepare for the growth in the seasons coming. Now is the time to slow down, breathe, and explore your inner peace as you nurture yourself and the seeds of your intent for the new year.
Props: 1-2 blankets or towels (or pick up a blanket here:
Up Next in Winter Yoga & Meditation
Yin Yoga for Introspection | Kidneys ...
The Winter Solstice is a time for turning inward, softening, exploring the Yin side while releasing and allowing yourself to listen to your inner voice. Join me for this 65 minute Yin Yoga practice where we settle, breathe, soften, and release - allowing ourselves to simply BE.
We will be w...
{Y}indulge Revitalize
Sometimes you just need to deeply release, let go, soften, be supported and let yourself come back to balance. In this practice we mindfully and softly work with the adrenals and kidneys to balance our energy and revitalize. Self care at it's best - like a day at the spa except BETTER!
Yin Yoga for Inner Leg Release | Kidn...
Our practice today is focused on the inner leg and groin area - our Kidney Meridians - to help mobilize this area, release tension and keep our kidney meridians freely flowing with energy. We work with poses that emphasize mindful holds to activate the Kidney Meridians.
Props: 2 blankets OR ...