Breath + Yin (5 class pack)

Breath + Yin (5 class pack)

Pranayama + Yin Yoga - a beautiful pairing to explore more depth in your practice. Downloadable and streaming access. (5 class pack)

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Breath + Yin (5 class pack)
  • Yin + Breath | Heart Space

    Welcome to another Yin + Breath practice! In this practice we are opening up the front and back of the heart as well as working with the heart meridians while using our breath to go deeper.

    Props: 1 blanket or towel

  • Yin + Breath | FIRE

    Welcome to Yin + Breath - practices melding breath techniques with Yin and a little bit of intuitive flow! In our practice today we are inviting a bit of fire in - to burn off what we don't need, to help us step into our personal power, and to light us up. We work with the Yang poses of the Yin...

  • Yin + Breath | Opening

    I love to explore in my own practice and I want to offer you some practices that help you do the same! Welcome to Yin + Breath - practices that include pranayama at the beginning and end (as well as throughout), some somatic intuitive movement, and Yin Yoga poses focused on specific areas of you...

  • Yin + Breath | Grounding

    I love to explore in my own practice and I want to offer you some practices that help you do the same! Welcome to Yin + Breath - practices that include pranayama at the beginning and end (as well as throughout), some somatic intuitive movement, and Yin Yoga poses focused on specific areas of you...

  • Yin Yoga for Hope | Full Body Practice to Inspire

    Hope is sometimes challenging - it requires us to slow down, take a moment, and remember that hope isn't about what's going on around us or happening to us but it's the flame INSIDE of us.

    Hope, even though it exists in each of us, must be nourished and the flame protected and cared for. How ...