{Y}integration Yin Yoga | Saucha | Purity
The Niyamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (15 class)
The Niyamas are the basic tenets of our personal growth and development - the practices we should engage in to cultivate our inner self and become enlightened. In this class we explore the first of our Niyamas - Saucha - often translated as purity.
Purity can mean so many things - physically it can mean exercising, sleeping properly, eating healthy, caring for our physical bodies. It can also mean purity of mind, thought and what we put into our minds through our senses - what we read, watch, engage with, learn.
In this practice we focus on purification through full body Yin Yoga with an emphasis on deep twists to support our bodies natural detoxification system.
Props: 1-2 blankets for comfort and support (blanket: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh)
Up Next in The Niyamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (15 class)
Tapas Dharma Chat | The Fire Within
Our dharma chat today is about tapas - the 3rd Niyama in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Tapas is often translated as discipline, fire, passion and many think this means physical effort (and yes, it might include that), but it also incorporates mental and emotional states of passion and fire. This is ...
{Y}integration Yin Yoga | Tapas | Dis...
Tapas is probably one of the most misunderstood of the Yamas & Niyamas. It can be translated as fire, heat, discipline and is most often interpreted as more active practice (in yoga at least). But how can we apply the energy of tapas to our lives to inspire, to change, to transition, to break t...
Svadhyaya Dharma Chat | Study of the ...
Self study can mean several things from taking time to practice, read, explore with others but sometimes self study truly means becoming still and studying self...having the courage to sit with who you are and go past the labels and titles you have. Who is the real you? Join me for a chat and p...