Cacao Circles | Honoring the Solar Cycle of the Year

Cacao Circles | Honoring the Solar Cycle of the Year

Ceremonies to open our hearts, practice self inquiry, share space, support one another in a beautiful circle of energy.

Connect to the beautiful heart opening experience and shared community of cacao ceremonies from the comfort of your own home. Join me for meditation, breath work, poetry, sound healing/live music, dancing, journaling, community sharing, AND MORE.

What is a cacao ceremony?
Cacao ceremonies are a beautiful way to connect to ourselves, Mother Earth, and our community through ritual and shared experience. Cacao ceremony is a safe, welcoming, nonjudgmental space where we can connect to our hearts, heal together, support each other with our energy, and share connection with others. We come together via Zoom, our cacao prepared (see below for recipes and more), meditate, journal, dance, share, connect and explore. This is a beautiful, sacred space to explore your inner landscape with support and love. Cacao Ceremonies are 75-90 minutes in length.

What is the Solar Cycle or Wheel of the Year and why do we celebrate it?
The solar cycle or Wheel of the Year is the traditional Celtic seasonal celebration points in a calendar year. These are often points where two seasons meet and where we feel the greatest uncertainty as we leave one season and begin another. These transition points are ones I have celebrated for the last 5 years and have found resonate with the natural organic cycles of our bodies and nature. Each of the cacao ceremony dates listed above are markers for the Wheel of the Year.

Cacao Circles | Honoring the Solar Cycle of the Year
  • Summer Solstice Sacred Circle 2024

    Join us for a circle to share, connect, meditate, journal, dance, and be in community with one another....

  • Yule Winter Solstice Sacred Circle 2023

    Join us for sacred circle to celebrate the energy of Yule, reflect on the past year, and call in the energy you need for the coming year.

    Reflect back over this past year –
    What are you most proud of? What have you learned, experienced, created that you feel most proud of?
    What aspects of your...

  • Summer Solstice Cacao Circle 2023

    “Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.” Hafiz

    Native American Prayer
    O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.
    I come before you,...

  • Cacao Circle Beltain 2023

    Join us for our Cacao Circle celebrating Beltain - the first fire festival of the year.

    Journal prompts:
    What do you need to support the seeds you have planted this Spring? As you see little seedlings coming up, where will you send your energy? Are there seedlings that you will need to let g...

  • Spring Equinox Cacao Circle

    Join us in celebration of the energy rising, of rebirth, change, and new beginnings - meditation, journaling, connection, sharing, and music. Please note that the embodiment music didn't get on the video but is Yuruba by ALUNA/J. Pool on the Spotify playlist below. Enjoy!

    Spotify: https://ope...

  • Imbolc Cacao Circle 2023

    Welcome to Imbolc - a time to celebrate the transition between Winter and Spring and honor the energy that is beginning to rise inside each of us. We can see nature as she prepares for Spring and we too need to prepare - perhaps setting habits, rituals into our lives to support the explosive exp...

  • Winter Solstice Cacao Circle 2022

    Join us as we honor the energy of winter and the Winter Solstice and connect to what we truly want to release and call in for the new year.

    Reading: Pixie Lighthorse Honoring Restoration

    Props: journal, pen(s), candle, extra paper for burning, drink of choice

    Spotify playlist link: https://...

  • Samhain Cacao Circle

    Join us as we explore the final harvest festival of the Wheel of the Year/Solar Cycle and explore our ancestors.

    Journal Questions:
    What lessons have my ancestors taught me?

    In what ways have my ancestors let me down?

    In what ways do I benefit from their hard work and sacrifices?

    When I loo...

  • Mabon/Autumn Equinox Cacao Ceremony

    Explore the Wheel of the Year with us as we connect, share, meditate, journal, and practice embodied dance to celebrate the harvest festival of Mabon/Autumn Equinox.

    Journal Prompts:
    What abundance am I harvesting this year? Was this planned/planted or are there some surprise gifts in my harves...

  • Lughnasadh Cacao Ceremony | July 2022

    Welcome to Lughnasadh - the first of the Wheel of the Year Solar Cycle harvest festivals honoring the harvest of wheat, apples, grapes and the energy of the sun in this late summer time.

    Traditionally this was a festival lasting from mid-July to mid-August and was celebrated through communion, c...

  • Summer Solstice Cacao Ceremony (Replay)

    Join us for a celebration of the peak of summer, the energy of fire through meditation, journaling, sharing and dance. Gather your journal, pens, candles, and drink of choice and explore what this time means for you.

    Spotify Playlist:

  • Beltaine Cacao Ceremony 2022

    Beltaine is one of the fire festivals celebrating the beginning of the planting/harvest season and the fertility of the earth. Traditionally communities would gather together and light great bonfires to clear old energy, bring positive energy to themselves, their homes and their livestock. All ...

  • Spring Equinox/Ostara Cacao Ceremony 2022

    Welcome to the Spring Equinox/Ostara!

    Energy rising, nature beginning her cycle of rebirth - all is fresh and new. The equinox is the point where there is about the same amount of sun as there is darkness (as occurs again at Mabon in the fall). We are moving into the time of light and the dark...