Building a Sustainable Home Meditation Practice | 12 Week Course

Building a Sustainable Home Meditation Practice | 12 Week Course

Are you a new meditator or someone looking to explore the different styles of meditation? Maybe you feel it is time to build a daily practice but you don't know where or how to begin?

This course is for you! We begin with the basics and build slowly over the 12 week period, exploring and practicing different styles of meditation and reflecting on each to see how they fit into our lives and how we can use them.

Practice at your own pace and explore!

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Building a Sustainable Home Meditation Practice | 12 Week Course
  • 3 Steps to Build a Sustainable Daily Meditation Practice

    Meditation has been a life changing habit for me - making me a better person, teacher, mother, and human. What I want for you is to create a sustainable meditation practice that will support you in everything that you do. As a long time meditator, I know how challenging it can be -how easy it i...

  • Breath Awareness Week 3

    We continue building on the breath by weaving a few more elements into our meditation this week. Practice this meditation every day this week and see how it feels.

    Meditation Tip of the Week

    Declare your goal. Sometimes telling people around you that you are starting a meditation practice or i...

  • Creating a Meditation Space

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    A quick guide on creating your perfect meditation space!

  • Introduction to Meditation Course | What to Expect

    "Don’t meditate to fix yourself, to improve yourself, to redeem yourself; rather, do it as an act of love, of deep warm friendship to yourself. In this way there is no longer any need for the subtle aggression of self-improvement, for the endless guilt of not doing enough. It offers the possibili...

  • Breath Awareness Meditation Week 1

    Meditation Tip of the Week

    NOW is the best time to meditate...

    When it comes to meditation - lots of procrastination seems to just happen. I will start meditating when this project is done or this week ends or when I get back from vacation. There isn't a better time to start than now. Procrasti...

  • Creating a Personal Mantra

    Developing your own personal mantra can be so rewarding. If a mantra isn't feeling like it works for you, how about creating your own so it is more powerful and supportive?

  • Introduction to Mantra Meditation

    What is a mantra and how do you use it? Join me as we explore the deeply rich world of mantra!

  • Introduction to Sensory Meditation

    Welcome to sensory meditation - a beautiful style of meditation that has SO much to offer....

  • Introduction to Visualization Meditation

    Visualization is the meditation practice most people have experienced and explored before but it can vary quite a lot. Join me as we take a look at some variations you might not have used before.

  • Putting It Altogether Meditations