Yin Yoga for Stomach & Spleen Meridians | Reduce Bloating & Cramps
Autumn Yoga & Meditation
Today's Yin yoga practice is all about maintaining good digestive health and relieving bloating, cramps, or discomfort in the digestive tract. We focus on balancing the Stomach/Spleen meridians running up the front body to/from toes through chest and abdomen. Great class to open the hips, hip flexors, chest, and legs as well!
Props: 2 blankets OR beach towels - 1 optional (blanket: http://amzn.to/2v0U0eh) and 2 blocks or large books (block: http://amzn.to/2sIEm6L) OR a bolster (http://amzn.to/2sO56md )
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