Spring Equinox/Ostara Cacao Ceremony 2022
1h 24m
Welcome to the Spring Equinox/Ostara!
Energy rising, nature beginning her cycle of rebirth - all is fresh and new. The equinox is the point where there is about the same amount of sun as there is darkness (as occurs again at Mabon in the fall). We are moving into the time of light and the darkness is banished!
You may feel inspired, energized, invigorated and curious to begin new things - exploring and expanding. What excites you right now? What inspires you? New ideas are swirling everywhere - ready for you to explore. This is the season of illumination - a time that brings more clarity. What seeds do you really want to plant in your life right now?
It's a season of new beginnings, optimism and hope - and we can harness the energy of this season to move our dreams forward. Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal - bringing with it major shifts and change. Step outside in nature and feel the powerful, uplifting energy that is needed to help break open a seed and push it through hardened soil so the plant can bud and bloom. And, this transformative energy is not only all around us in nature, but inside each of us. We are tilling our own soil, clearing away the debris of past, preparing for growth and expansion. Welcome the SUN and the energy of change!
I am so grateful to share space with you. Have your cacao ready (or drink of choice), a journal, pen, and be comfortable. You can make this Circle more sacred using whatever you want - incense, candles, being outdoors, bringing some outdoors in, or whatever calls to you in this season.
Reading: Honoring Spontaneity from Prayers of Honoring Voice by Pixie Lighthorse (https://amzn.to/3Lh862v )
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6PSSjajrEna4IjK2034TaL?si=8723d94cc7a34803
Journal Prompts: What do you feel stirring inside of you - new ideas, directions, projects, intentions?
How can you ensure you nurture this growth and potential?
How can you add some “Spring Cleaning” to your spirituality? What can you let go of, so you can incorporate new ideas into your practice and life?
“Because I am alive, everything is possible.” Thich Nhat Hanh
If you could be anything or do anything without any rules or roadblocks – what would it be – brainstorm and be wild?! How can you open yourself up to the possibilities of your life?