Mantra Meditation Week 5
A seed sound is a beautiful and musical way to use mantra. Seed sounds are often related to chakras (each chakra has a specific seed sound related to it). “The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body. When you speak the bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus upon your own instinctive awareness of your body & its needs.”-DailyOM
Meditation Tip of the Week
Include your family and/or household members in your practice.
Whether this means including your family in your actual meditation practice (I have my son and daughter join me sometimes), or simply letting everyone in the house know you are headed up to meditate (I announce to them that I am heading up to "medicate" - they know what that means : )), this is a great way to have your family support your practice.
Put a sign on the door, announce your intention to meditate now, let them know and they will be less likely to interrupt you and more likely to try and support your practice with less noise, handling situations, and being positive.
It might even spark their interest in joining you or starting their own practice!
Journal Prompts
As we finish up with mantra meditation, take a few moments to reflect back on your experience. Here are a few questions to help you journal or simply think about your experience.
What did you think of mantra meditation prior to our using it?
What do you think of it now?
How do you see yourself (in what situations) using this in your own practice and what benefits can you see from this meditation in your practice?
Were there certain mantras that worked better for you? Why? (great time to develop a mantra that works for you that you can use whenever you need it)
How was your overall experience with mantra (strange, interesting, surprising, confusing)? Think about what made it so.
What benefits do you see in this style of meditation?
How will you use this meditation personally?
Taking time to connect with your unique experience of this style can help you find what works best for you and how. Remember, even if a specific style didn't fully resonate with you, keep it in mind as a tool in case somewhere down the road it makes more sense to use it!
Extra Reading
As we continue to explore mantras and their use in meditation, check out this blog on why the repetition helps us and how.