Imbolc Cacao Circle 2023
1h 10m
Welcome to Imbolc - a time to celebrate the transition between Winter and Spring and honor the energy that is beginning to rise inside each of us. We can see nature as she prepares for Spring and we too need to prepare - perhaps setting habits, rituals into our lives to support the explosive expansion coming in Spring. Perhaps clearing out all of the remaining old and letting go of attachments to things that no longer support us.
Spotify playlist:
Journal prompts: In what ways can I physically clear my space(s) and life, so I feel refreshed and ready as the new year begins to take form?
In what ways can I detox my mind and spirit so that I can be open to the new opportunities that may enter my life?
How will I honor my mind and spirit – offering them the tender loving care they deserve?
What are my biggest dreams for this new year to come - releasing any attachment to overly specific outcomes?
What small steps can I begin working into my daily life that will support my exploration and growth this year?