We continue building on the breath by weaving a few more elements into our meditation this week. Practice this meditation every day this week and see how it feels.
Meditation Tip of the Week
Declare your goal. Sometimes telling people around you that you are starting a meditation practice or involved in a specific length group practice can keep you be more accountable and motivated. This creates a deeper connection to your practice and could help sustain your practice. Your friends and family might ask you how it is going and this is a reminder for your practice. It's also a great way to share how things are going and can motivate others to meditate (hey - start a group) as well as help you see how meditation is changing your life (as you tell them how it is going).
Journal Prompts
As we wind up with Breath Awareness meditation, it can be helpful to think about how this practice worked for you and your experience of it. Below are a few prompts to journal or simply think about.
How was your overall experience with breath awareness?
Do you see yourself using this style in your daily living? How and when would it be helpful for you personally?
What came up for you during this meditation style? Was it particularly challenging for you or was this style easier?
How do you feel the meditation style works in your own practice? Can you see yourself using this again?
Extra Reading
A great video on how the breath can change your life!